Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-1 Objectives v Course Course focus v Job Market for T&N
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-2 HD in Telecomm and Networking v Course Code:41204 v Location:IVE(MH) v Mode of Attendance:Full-time v Course Structure:Stage based v Duration of Course :2 years v Student Enrolment:80 v Implementation Date:September 2003
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-3 Course Aims v provide graduates with suitable skills for the growing local Telecommunications and Networking industries as well as other commercial and industrial companies that have telecommunications and networking infrastructure; v provide young people with suitable education for employment so that they can make a valuable contribution to plan, design, operate, install, configure and maintain telecommunications and networking systems; and v develop the students’ ability to analyse and solve systems level IT problems and to enhance their communications skills.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-4 Social and Professional Aims v up-to-date knowledge, skills and techniques which will make them accepted as practitioners within the local and global telecommunications and networking community; v the ability to access the suitability of vendor-supplied specifications and determine the impact and compatibility of communication hardware and software to current or planned applications; v the ability to analyse networking problems and recommend solutions to modify and improve the equipment, facilities and services;
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-5 Objectives of the course v Provide students with competence via suitable training and knowledge v Provision includes General knowledge and professional ethics Networks applications & Services Programming and IT skills Telecom and Network Infrastructure
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-6 Objectives of the course v the installation, configuration and support of backbone networks; installation, configuration and support of wireless access networks;
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-7 Demand for Industry & Commerce v Hong Kong has one of the highest mobile telephone penetration rates in the world over 70 per cent. v The number of mobile service subscribers was boosted over 5 Millions. v The third-generation (3G) services will be launched in next year. v the development of Internet appliances together with the worldwide development of e-business will also offer excellent business opportunities. v There is a continuous demand for skilled personnel in these areas.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-8 Identification of Job Markets v With the recent coming into operation of the IT and Broadcasting Bureau, there will be a coordinated effort to push IT and Telecommunications in the Hong Kong. Some of the areas for development that are directly related with the proposed course are: Telecommunications for mobile industry Telecommunications infrastructure for new services Networking services industry v Internet and its related services
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-9 Telecom for Mobile industry v The Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) and Personal Communication Systems (PCS) are now well established. There are 11 digital networks in the 900MHz/900Mhz and 1700 – 1900 MHz bands. v The migration of the current second-generation (2G) mobile service to the two-and-half-generation (2½G/Generalised Packet Radio Service) and further to the third-generation (3G) will result in huge business opportunities in the telecommunication services v With the new 3G services planned to launch, there is continuous healthy growth in the mobile industry creating further job opportunities.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-10 Fixed Telecom Infrastructure v Public switched network services, Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) services and Asychronous Transfer Mode (ATM) services are also available in Hong Kong. v Five companies are to provide local fixed telecommunications services using wireless access technology v Hong Kong Cable Television Limited was also permitted to offer cable modem services over its hybrid fibre coaxial cable network. v New technologies in telecommunications infrastructure such as frame relay, ATM and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) will be used extensively to sustain the growth and demand of the Internet community
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-11 Internet and its related services v Internet services are extensively available with more than 2.3 million dialled up accounts by August v Broadband Internet access up to 3 Mbps is widely available in Hong Kong using Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Fibre-to-the Building (FTTB), Hybrid Fibre Coaxial cable (HFC) Local Multipoint Distribute System (LMDS)
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-12 Year 1 Curriculum v BAC1241Business and Information T&N3311Project Work I CMM3312Data Communications and Networking T&N3313Mathematics and Statistics CMM1314Microcomputer Applications CMM1315Programming CMT1311Digital Technology and Computer Fundamentals v LAN1001English and Communication
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-13 Year 2 Curriculum LAN3042English and Communication for Computing CMM5321Advanced Programming T&N4421Embedded Programming T&N4422Network Technology I T&N3323Computer Network T&N4424Telecommunications Principles T&N3325Digital Communications v T&N3326Final Project
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-14 Year 2 Module Module TitleAdvanced Programming Module CodeCMM5321 v Module Value 1.5 Module Rationale/Aims To introduce the important fundamental data structures and algorithms for manipulating such data structures. To provide an introduction to the concepts of object-oriented software technologies. To examine feature of programming languages that support object-oriented approaches. To enable students to implement abstract data type using an object- oriented language.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-15 Year 2 Module Module Title Embedded Programming Module Code T&N4421 Module Value1.0 Module Rationale/Aims To introduce students to basic software skills with embedded systems. To introduce students to an open development environment suitable for embedded systems. To build practical skills that are useful for embedded network and telecom applications.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-16 Year 2 Module Module TitleNetwork Technology I Module CodeT&N4422 Module Value1.0 v Module Rationale/Aims To introduce students to common basic inter-networking devices: repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, and routers. To acquire skills to install, configure, and operate simple routed LAN.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-17 Year 2 Module Module TitleComputer Network Module CodeT&N Module Value1.0 Module Rationale/Aims This module aims to provide the knowledge and skills required for networking technicians/engineers. This module builds on Network Technology I for students to gain sufficient knowledge to obtain CCNA certification or its contemporary equivalent. This module also introduces the concepts of wireless communications. (WLAN, Bluetooth … etc.)
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-18 Year 2 Module Module TitleTelecommunications Principles Module CodeT&N4424 Module Value1.0 v Module Rationale/Aims give students an understanding of the fundamental knowledge of signals, systems, noises, filters, transforms, modulations, multiplexing, transmission lines and fiber optics; and give students an understanding of the time/frequency relationships for the various types of signal commonly found in electronic and telecommunications systems.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-19 Year 2 Module Module TitleDigital Communications Module CodeT&N3325 Module Value1.0 v Module Rationale/Aims To provide students with a system level understanding of digital communications. To understand the modulation and coding techniques used in digital communications. To understand multi-user digital modulation techniques in wired and wireless communications.
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology Course Focus and Job Market (Project 1) slide L1-20 Year 2 Module Module Title Final Project Module CodeT&N Module Value1.0 v Module Rationale/Aim To develop students’ interpersonal skills and their ability to work cooperatively in a group. To further develop the students’ free thinking and problem solving skills. To further develop the students’ skills in project planning, documentation and management. To further develop the students’ skills in systems testing. To provide a unifying element within the course.