STREET NAMES/SLANG “K” “Special K” “Kit Kat” “Cat Valium”
DESCRIPTION OF DRUG Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has gained popularity as a drug of abuse. Ketamine is a synthetic drug, meaning that it does not occur naturally but is manufactured in a lab from chemicals. It is most commonly used in its hydrochloride form.
ORIGIN OF DRUG Since the 1970’s, ketamine has been marketed in the United States as an injectable short- acting anesthetic for use in humans and animals. It is imported into the U.S and formulated into dosage forms for distribution.
APPEARANCE Ketamine is an odorless, tasteless drug that is found in liquid, pill, and powder form.
DRUG CATEGORY Hallucinogen
SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Delirium Amnesia Impaired motor function Potentially fatal respiratory problems
LONG-TERM EFFECTS Hallucinations Visual dstortions Lost sense of time, senses, and identity Euphoria Confusion Smells/ tastes seem muted Visual perception and sense of touch are amplified May feel floaty Numbness in your extremities (hands and feet)
MEDICAL USAGE It can be used as an antidepressant
LEGALTY Yes, it is illegal to abuse ketamine. Ketamine is a controlled substance. Specifically, it is a Schedule III substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule III drugs, which include codeine and anabolic steroids, have less potential for abuse than Schedule I (heroin) or Schedule II (cocaine) drugs. However, abuse of Schedule III substances may lead to physical or psychological dependence on the drug.
STATISTICAL INFORMATION ・Users can seriously hurt themselves, because Ketamine numbs the body and they will not feel the pain of an injury.・ Ketamine lowers heart rate, which can lead to oxygen deprivation in the muscles and brain, resulting in heart failure or brain damage. ・It is very dangerous when mixed with alcohol and other drugs.
WHERE TO GO FOR HELP Drug and alcohol rehab for teens help line 1-888-757-6237 Drug detox and addiction treatment. 1-866-993-3869
BIBLIOGROPHY- CITATIONS Drug Facts: Ketamine. abovetheinfluence. Monday, May 16, 2011 <>. Drug Facts. Abovetheinfluence. 5-9- 11 <>. Duman, Ronald . Rapid Antidepressant Works by Boosting Brain’s Connections . 9-9-10 NIMH. 5-5-11 <>.
BIBLIOGROPHY-CITATIONS KETAMINE. October 2009 Office of diversion control. 5-5- 11 <>. Medline Plus. Medline Plus. 5-4-11 < meta?v%3Aproject=medlineplus&query=ketamine&x=8&y=21>.