Teacher Professional Development For Statewide Articulation Advanced Technical Credit
Purpose To provide eligible high school teachers with the information necessary to successfully teach ATC statewide-articulated courses.
Each ATC course section taught by a school must have an ATC-eligible and trained teacher. Teacher Eligibility
Teacher Eligibility Teachers must meet college requirements: Requirement 1: The teacher must have a baccalaureate degree or higher in the teaching discipline. OR Requirement 2: The teacher must have a minimum of an associate degree and 3 years verifiable non-teaching work experience directly related to the teaching discipline.
Teacher Eligibility Teachers without a valid Texas teacher certificate (SBEC) in the discipline will have their transcripts and work experience verified by the state ATC office. This will include official transcripts sent to SFASU ATC office and detailed work history if requested. All teachers must posses required industry certifications if applicable. For example; registered nurse, Cisco CNI or ASE certifications.
Teacher Eligibility Examples ATC Course:Child Development Principles of Marketing Child Development Teacher’s Degree: Bachelor’s in Nutrition Bachelor’s & Master’s in Education Associate’s Degree in Business Teacher’s Work Experience: 4 years as a caterer 5 years as a store manager 10 years as a child care provider Approvable for this course? NOYES Why or why not? Does not meet Requirement I (Bachelor’s degree is not related to Child Development) or Requirement 2 (work experience is not directly related to Child Development Does not meet Requirement I (degrees are not related to marketing) but meets Requirement 2 (work experience is directly related to marketing) Meets Requirement 2 (more than 3 years work experience directly related to Child Development
If Not Approved The school still may offer the regular non-ATC course at the high school. ATC approval is related to community college faculty requirements; SBEC certification is related to high school teacher requirements.
Teacher Eligibility No Transcripts and three year work history verified by state ATC office Yes Baccalaureate degree or higher in the teaching discipline Unrelated baccalaureate degree Yes No Associate degree in the teaching discipline Yes No Ineligible Yes State teacher certificate in the teaching discipline verified by ATC office Yes Eligible No degree No
Training Overview MINIMUM TRAINING REQUIRED BY TEA EVERY THREE YEARS. PART I: General instruction Two hours minimum PART II: Course-specific instruction One hour minimum per college course
You are currently attending PART I of the ATC Professional Development Teacher Training Program
Outcomes – Part I Elements of the ATC Program and Statewide Articulation Teacher requirements The relationship of ATC to College Tech Prep programs
What is College Tech Prep?
College Tech Prep “In spite of increasing need at the associate degree level, instructional programs throughout the nation (and) state…struggle to produce enough graduates to meet the needs of business and industry. It seems that high school students are not fully aware of the excellent opportunities available through technical careers.” Dr. Robert D. Krienke President, Lamar Institute of Technology
Socioeconomic Trends Texas social and economic trends: Decreasing average household income Growing unskilled, under-educated population Losing ground in the global marketplace Increasing spending on prisons, welfare and Medicaid
Decline in Income
Benefits of Tech Prep Tech Prep increases student: Retention and graduation at the high school level Participation in, and completion of, two- year and four-year college programs
Annual Attendance Rates
Graduation Rates
Available Jobs Decreasing15% OJT Jobs (on the job training required) Increasing65% TECHNICAL JOBS Specific skills-based training required (>HS <bachelor’s) Little change for several generations 20% Professional Jobs (> or = bachelor’s) Source: Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Vol. 41, pages 11-12
Source: CDR and Texas Education Agency 65% 15% 20% Skilled Unskilled Professional Career Opportunities for 2000+
Graduation Plans Graduates by Graduation Plan
College Tech Prep is: A federally funded initiative Seamless, non-duplicative education Participation leads to post secondary program enrollment
Tech Prep Programs Must: Provide education in high-demand jobs Include an approved 6-year plan Provide rigorous academics Develop workforce skills Offer work-based experiences Include college credit at the high school level Lead to a two-year or 4-year technical degree
College Credit &Tech Prep College credit may be acquired through: Statewide and/or local articulation; Dual Credit Concurrent enrollment; and/or Advanced Placement. AND Articulation allows eligible students to receive credit for advanced measures for the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP).
Tech Prep AAS degrees by area Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Mechanics 8% Protective Services 6% Drafting & Manufacturing 10% Engineering Related 12% Health 16% Business 23% Computer Science 10% Family Sciences 6% All Others 9% Career Awareness
College Tech Prep
College Tech Prep
PEIMS is… A common method for school districts to report data to TEA, including: ADA (Average Daily Attendance - state funding for attendance) CATE course enrollment (state weighted funding ) Participation in career/technology courses (federal Perkins funding) and PEIMS impacts funding.
PEIMS Codes PEIMS codes are used in CATE for: Reporting CATE course enrollments (course abbreviations and 8-digit service ID numbers) ATC course abbreviations end in –TP:BCIS1-TP ATC course numbers include a T: T Reporting students participating in CATE PEIMS student codes: 0, 1, 2, and 3
PEIMS Codes Code 0 Not in a CATE course in October Code 1 Enrolled in a CATE in October, but no intent to follow a technical course sequence
PEIMS Codes Code 2 Participating in a coherent sequence of technical courses Code 3 Participating in a coherent sequence of technical courses (Tech Prep Student)
PEIMS Codes Impact on federal funding: 5% of Perkins funds – based on a district’s percentage of the total CATE participants statewide (codes 1, 2, & 3). An additional 5% of Perkins funds – based on the number of students participating in coherent sequences of CATE courses, including those participating in Tech Prep programs (codes 2 & 3).
PEIMS Coding Flow Chart On fall snapshot date, was student enrolled in a C&T course? Does student have 4 year plan to take a coherent sequence of C&T courses on the fall snapshot date? Code student as a “1” Code student as a “0” Code student as a “3” Code student as a “2” Has student completed at least 1 semester of a C&T course as part of their C&T coherent sequence? Does 4 year plan include: A state-approved College Tech Prep plan of study including 2 or more C&T courses for 3 or more credits? and Lead to post-secondary education/Professional Development? Yes No
What is Articulation?
Articulation There are two main types of articulation: Program articulation Tech Prep programs Course articulation Local articulation Statewide articulation
Program Articulation Tech Prep Program Articulation Agreements are: Program agreements between one high school or ISD and one college or college district system. Consist of an approved 6-year plan outlining ALL academic and articulated technical courses that make up the College Tech Prep program.
Local Articulation Local Course Articulation Agreements are: Course-to-course agreements between one high school or school district and one college or college district system.
ATC Statewide Articulation Statewide Course Articulation is: A statewide agreement between the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the Texas Education Agency. A state-designed, advanced college placement program, the Advanced Technical Credit Program (ATC).
Statewide Articulation allows students to: Attend any of a variety of participating colleges. Save time and money. ATC Statewide Articulation
Statewide Articulation IS NOT Tech Prep Statewide Articulation IS One element of College Tech Prep. One method to earn college credit in high school. ATC is not Tech Prep
Course Requirements Content-enhanced beyond TEKS College-level course competencies define expected student outcomes Courses = at least 1 credit ATC Program Requirements
Teacher Requirements Teacher credentials ATC training and approval ATC Program Requirements
All ATC statewide-articulated courses have the same student requirements for award of college credit Junior or senior year completion of sequence Grade of at least 80% …...And Standard Articulation Agreement
Enroll in a related technical degree program within 15 months of graduation (time may be extended) Credit awarded on enrollment (however, a college may elect require up to six credit hours) Standard Articulation Agreement
Obstacles: Not all colleges are participating. Not all courses or programs are offered at all colleges. HS courses generally must be applied to a two-year technical program to receive credit. ATC Statewide Articulation
High School College Student enrolls at community college Not eligible for College credit Student completes enhanced HS course or sequence Passed with 80+ %? Completed in Jr or Sr year? No Yes Within 15 months of graduation? No Yes Declared technical major? No Yes Student receives college credit Optional - 6 hrs non-developmental credit? Yes No
ATC Statewide Articulation
Group Activity
Group Activity Student A Earns an 80% in BCIS1-TP (1 credit) in the 9 th grade AND Takes no other related career and technology courses
Student B Earns a 90% in BCIS1-TP (1 credit) in the 9 th grade AND Earns an 80% in BCIS2-TP (1 credit) in the 12 th grade Group Activity
Student C Earns an 80% in NFSCI-TP (1/2 credit) in the 11 th grade; AND Earns a 75% in FST-TP (1/2 credit) in the 12 th grade. Group Activity
ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Resources
ATC Resources ATC Course Crosswalk Course Outcomes
Course Crosswalk
Course Crosswalk
Course Crosswalk
Crosswalk Revisions When a course is not offered by at least 5 community colleges and/or school districts across the state, the State Leadership Committee may recommend the removal of the course. Any course(s) to be added or removed from the crosswalk MUST be approved by the State Leadership Committee prior to any change being made.
Crosswalk Revisions Crosswalk may be revised yearly because of TEKS or WECM changes PEIMS numbers will be removed from the table when courses are removed from the crosswalk If no PEIMS number is available, the district may NOT offer the course for ATC credit.
Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Completing the Application for Eligibility Forms
When completing the form: Use black/dark ink. Do not write on the back. Enter only your personal contact information. Give completed forms to the session facilitator. Do not leave with your forms.
Application for Approval Please Read and Sign
Form for Part I
Use an address that will be easiest for us to reach you.
Completing The Form – Part II
Completing The Form – Part II GCETW
Completing The Form – Part II Use an address that will be easiest for us to reach you.
Completing The Form – Part II College faculty will place initials in the gray shaded area if they agree on the articulation.
Part II – What To Expect
How the ATC Approval Process Works Go to atctexas.org
Teacher Update/Certificate Page ATC Program Information
Teacher Update/Certificate Page…cont’d.
Teacher Certificates
ATC On-line Reports (In process)
ATC On-line Reports (In process)
ATC On-line Reports (In process)
RESOURCES: Important Websites: Linkages.htmhttp:// Linkages.htm Formal Agreements Linking Associate Degrees to Baccalaureate Programs
Outcomes – Part II COURSE SPECIFIC: Course requirements for content- enhanced, ATC statewide-articulated courses; Resources required for college course equivalence; and Expected levels of student performance.
Part II – What To Expect Goals for Part II Professional Development: High school and community college faculty working together. Alignment of course competencies. Understanding of desired student outcomes.
Part II – What To Expect College faculty should provide: Course syllabus. Textbook requirements. Software/Hardware requirements. Grading breakdown (projects, exams). Information on job potential. What is expected of students.What is expected of students.
Part II – What To Expect Ask questions. Understand book, software, hardware requirements. Review Course Outcome Profiles for expected learner outcomes. Build a bridge between your school and the community college.
Sign-in Sheets You must sign-in with each course section/college faculty overview that you attend.
Part II Scheduled Times Time will be called 10 minutes before the next session. Please do not disturb a session while in progress.
Before leaving, make sure you turn in your white and yellow copies for Parts I and II. Turn in the white copy for Part III/Application for Approval You keep the pink only for Parts I and II, the yellow on Part III/Application for Approval What To Turn In
Teacher Approvals TEA Grant Stephen F. Austin State University Contacts: Dr. Bill Wilson, ATC Program Coordinator or Cathy Whipple, ATC Program Assistant Teacher Approvals
Statewide Articulation Professional Development If you want a copy of this presentation Go to: and selectwww.atctexas.org Advanced Technical Credit (Statewide Articulation) Professional Development Program