SAR satellite-based crop monitoring. 1. SAR crop monitoring.


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Presentation transcript:

SAR satellite-based crop monitoring

1. SAR crop monitoring

AgriSAR results for Flevoland and Indian Head indicate: crop classification accuracies > 90% are possible for important major crops such as wheat, oilseed rape, sugar beet and potatoes. 1. SAR crop monitoring

Further detail is possible within classes e.g. wheat and rapeseed: Different growth stages, different varieties, and crop damage Example wheat radar map class Example subclasses wheat condition radar map 1. SAR crop monitoring

Featuring: Maps of crop type, condition, and biomass change Based on unique cloud free radar image processing Reliable updates every 5-24 days at 25 up to 5m detail Efficient input management, insurance, sustainable production chains, sound spatial planning, early warning

Typical optical satellite image Cloud free radar image

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Radar analysis Bare soil Emergence 16/05/2012 Sugar beet at 25m resolution every 24 days

Radar analysis Bare soil Emergence Increment 09/06/2012 Sugar beet at 25m resolution every 24 days

Radar analysis Bare soil Emergence Increment Closure 03/07/2012 Sugar beet at 25m resolution every 24 days

Radar analysis Bare soil Emergence Increment Closure 27/07/2012 Sugar beet at 25m resolution every 24 days

Radar analysis Bare soil Emergence Increment Closure 20/08/2012 Sugar beet at 25m resolution every 24 days

Radar analysis Bare soil Emergence Increment Closure 13/09/2012 Sugar beet at 25m resolution every 24 days

Radar analysis Bare soil Emergence Increment Closure Harvest 07/10/2012 Sugar beet at 25m resolution every 24 days