By Justine Morris and Dynesha Garret Just Say No to Drugs By Justine Morris and Dynesha Garret
Just Say No To Drugs not to do drugs! Hi, my name is Justine. Hi my name is Dynesha. We’re here to tell you not to do drugs!
Drugs facts Now here are some facts about why not to do drugs. 500,000 people die each year . Some people smoke so much that their taste buds go dead
What drugs do: Drugs mess up your mind and your body They make you waste money and you get addicted Cause increased crime in the world
Alcohol Alcohol is bad and it is a depressant drug It is absorbed directly into the blood stream It can cause loss of balance
Cocaine Cocaine is an illegal stimulant. It can be sniffed or snorted It looks like white powder It is made from coca leaves
Marijuana Marijuana comes from a plant It is also sometimes called grass, pot or weed It is made out of dried leaves and flowering tops of plants
Marijuana It makes you feel thirsty and very hungry and it causes an effect called the munchies. Some people who use marijuana have bad reactions to it.
Marijuana People may experience a sudden feeling of anxiety and have paranoid thoughts. This is more likely to happen when a more potent variety of marijuana is used.
Other Things To Do Than Drugs: You can: Play video games Surf the net Play with your friend Watch TV and play house Play with your grandparent
Other Things To Do Than Drugs: Play sports Spend time doing a hobby or learn a new hobby Talk on the phone with your friends Finish a quiz or learn something new. Study or do homework Listen to music
Other Things To Do Than Drugs: Do work for your community Help someone in need Play a board game Draw Relax or do yoga Join a book club Do gymnastics Find an after school job Build relationships with your family Donate to charities
Other Things To Do Than Drugs: Plant trees Exercise Make a project Play with toys Make a club Sew Go to the park
Other Things To Do Than Drugs: Play with pets Help your teacher Help your mom cook Help your dad mow the lawn
Resources www.just say no to drugs .com