Bellwork: Get out your notes! Just write the answer. Is it co-evolution, convergent evolution, or divergent evolution? A. The tortoises on the Galapagos.


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Presentation transcript:

Bellwork: Get out your notes! Just write the answer. Is it co-evolution, convergent evolution, or divergent evolution? A. The tortoises on the Galapagos islands share a common ancestor, but over time they have become adapted for obtaining food in different habitats on different islands by having different neck lengths. B. Whales, sharks, and penguins all have the same bodies and fins/flipper for moving in water even though they belong in different animal groups (mammals, fish, and birds). C. Hummingbirds have a beak just the right length to reach the nectar in a cardinal flower and as they feed their foreheads bump into the pollen structure. Cardinal flowers are red which hummingbirds can see, but bees can’t, and their pollen structure is at just the right height for the hummingbird to pick up pollen as it feeds.

Is it Natural Selection, Gene Flow, Mutation, Non-Random Mating, or Small Population 1. Amish people are required by their religion to only marry and have children with other Amish people. 2. The DNA sequence in a bird is changed from ATT CCG TTG to TTA CCG TTG which changes the beak shape from long and thin to short and fat. 3. Peppered moths are eaten by birds. The moth color varies from light to dark. Light colored moths can blend in with a nearby species of tree. In the 1800s factories released large amounts of soot, which changed the tree color, so the birds were able to more easily find the lighter moths instead of the darker moths. 4. Northern elephant seals were hunted almost to extinction by people in the 1890s. The remaining population has reduced genetic variation. 5. A lioness joins a new pride and has cubs with the male lion. 6. A small group of birds flies from the mainland to an island and starts a new colony. (The birds never return to the mainland.)

QUIZ TIME You may have your notes out for the first 2 minutes. Put everything else away.

CO: I will define taxonomy, recognize the importance of a taxonomic system, and categorize organisms into domains. LO: I will write notes. I will sort organisms with a partner. I will collect bacteria with a partner.

Bacteria Collection Timer

Classification is the grouping of objects or information based on similarities.

Name 5 things that people classify on a regular basis?

For 1 of your 5 things, explain how it’s classified?

Taxonomy is the science of grouping and naming organisms. In other words, taxonomy is the process of classifying and naming biological (living) organisms. In Biology:

10 Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species BROADEST TAXON Most Specific copyright cmassengale The major classification levels, from most general to most specific A group at any level is a taxon.

11 Does Does Katy Katy Perry Perry Come Come Over Over For For Good Good Soup? Soup? copyright cmassengale

Let’s look at some animals

Devil Cat

Ghost Cat

Mountain Lion

Screaming Cat


Florida Panther


There are at least 50 common names for the animal shown on the previous 7 slides. Common names vary according to region. How could we fix this problem?

22 Confusion in Using Different Languages for Names copyright cmassengale

23 Scientific Names are Understood by all Taxonomists copyright cmassengale

Taxonomists give a unique scientific name to each species they know about whether it’s alive today or extinct. The scientific name comes from one of two “dead” languages – Latin or ancient Greek.

The genus name is written first (always Capitalized). The species name is written second (never capitalized). Both words are italicized if typed or underlined if hand written. Example: Felis concolor or F. concolor Which is the genus? The species? Binomial Nomenclature a two name system for writing scientific names. Turdus migratorius Turdus migratorius a

26 Binomial Nomenclature Which TWO are more closely related? copyright cmassengale

Now that you know why we need to classify organisms and how to name them; we are going to learn about each taxon in detail.

28 Broadest, most inclusive taxonBroadest, most inclusive taxon Include:Include: 1.Archaea (unicellular prokaryotes) 2.Bacteria (unicellular prokaryotes) 3.Eukarya (eukaryotes) Domains copyright cmassengale

Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

30 ARCHAEA Kingdom - ARCHAEBACTERIA Probably the 1 st cells to evolve Live in HARSH environments Found in: –Sewage Treatment Plants (Methanogens) –Thermal or Volcanic Vents (Thermophiles) –Hot Springs or Geysers that are acid –Very salty water (Dead Sea; Great Salt Lake) - Halophiles copyright cmassengale

31 ARCHAEAN copyright cmassengale

32 BACTERIA Kingdom - EUBACTERIA Some may cause DISEASE Found in ALL HABITATS except harsh ones Important decomposers for environment Commercially important in making cottage cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, etc. copyright cmassengale

33 Live in the intestines of animals copyright cmassengale

34 Eukarya… is Divided into Kingdoms Protista (protozoans, algae…)Protista (protozoans, algae…) Fungi (mushrooms, yeasts …)Fungi (mushrooms, yeasts …) Plantae (multicellular plants)Plantae (multicellular plants) Animalia (multicellular animals)Animalia (multicellular animals) copyright cmassengale