F. A. B. Z.
eature The product itself (F) They can feel it They see it They can hear it They can smell it They can taste it
dvantage This will universally work for everyone. (A) Don’t use the word “you”!
enefits This is specific to the client and what is on the analysis sheet. (B) Use the words “you” and “your”
inger This is a tie down question. (the close) (Z) “That’s what you wanted isn’t it?”
The Million Dollar Training Coaching Sessions
Contacting People You Don’t Know Quotes from the Million Dollar Earner: Contacting is a 15- to 90-second interview to see if your prospect would like one or more of their circumstances to be different from what they are. This is not a presentation or selling event, but a short encounter that lets you find people who are dissatisfied with something and are willing to do something about it —Clay Stevens
Contacting People You Don’t Know People are scared, apprehensive, or nervous to contact because they are not properly prepared to start a conversation or questions about their products, company, or industry. Lack of contacting keeps most people from being successful in this industry. First, find out why your prospect is dissatisfied Second, set appointment Contacting is simply the Skill and Knowledge of finding people to talk to about your products and business. Contacting is intended to help people get a quick idea of who you are looking for and what the company is about. The purpose of contacting is two fold: This is not a formal presentation but a 15- to 90-second interview.
Contacting People You Don’t Know Decided what you want prospects to do at the end of the contact. Make a appointmentCome to a meeting Take an audio Watch a video Visit a websiteListen to a conference call Remember: The meeting new contacts should only last 15 to 90 seconds.
Smile Handshake Your Name Their Name Sincere Compliment Contacting People You Don’t Know Step 1 Start a conversation. You get the most conversations started by asking high yielding questions.
Contacting People You Don’t Know Step 2 Determine if the prospect is open I am expanding a business in this area and I’m looking for one or two qualified individuals to fill leadership positions, do you know anyone who is talented and driven and wants to make some more money? Here are some sample scripts you could use after meeting the new people: I’ve got a high-volume marketing business, and were expanding in this area. We’re looking for a couple of key people, and I thought you might be interested in seeing how you could benefit from a billion-dollar trend we are working with? You are a sharp person and I have a new business I am expanding in this area, I was wondering if you have 15 to 20 minutes for me to see if you the qualify for the people I am looking for? I have a business that I am expanding in this area. Do you know anyone who might be looking for an opportunity to make significant income over the next few months?
Contacting People You Don’t Know It’s natural and understandable for people to have questions about your contact. You need to be prepared with a solid and confident response. I teach people how to earn money from working from home. What is It? I teach people how to earn money that can last a lifetime. It’s about earning money. Does that interest you? I teach people how to earn Residual Income. I am a life style consultant. It is new business that is modeled after a 50-year success process of connecting consumers with life-changing products
Contacting People You Don’t Know Absolutely, I will be happy to tell everything and answer all of you question. When can we meet? Can you tell more about it ? Am to busy. I don’t have enough time. What do you know about making a residual income. Is it network marketing? Would it be worth 30 minutes of your time find out how you could free up some time?. If it were, would that keep you from taking advantage of earning a 6 figure income? Absolutely, I will be happy to tell everything and answer all of you question. It take approximately 30 minutes to explain. When can we meet? If it weren’t, I wouldn’t even consider it. Would you like to know why?
Contacting People You Don’t Know Step 4 Confirm the appointment. Step 3 Set the appointment. Know what they want. Use the high- yielding-question sheet after appointment. Step 5 Keep track of the contact.