Smartphones Group 4 Brittany, Chelsea, and Brandi ☺
Blackberry ”it looks and feels good in your hand, but still offers you everything you need for your life on the go.” The Blackberry offers: –Flexible communications –SureType Technology –Camera/Video Recording –Multimedia –GPS/Blackberry Maps –Wi-Fi –Mobile Streaming
iPhone The iPhone is a line of Internet- and multimedia- enabled smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The iPhone functions as a camera phone (also including text messaging and visual voic ), a portable media player (equivalent to a video iPod), and an Internet client (with e- mail, web browsing, and Wi-Fi connectivity)—using the phone's multi-touch screen to provide a virtual keyboard in lieu of a physical keyboard.
Droid Features of the Droid include: –Speech Recognition –Hi-Res –Notification Panel –10,000+ Apps –5 Megapixels –Turn By Turn Nav –Music –Video –Multitasking
Documents To Go Documents To Go Premium Edition is an all-in- one solution that provides users with the ability to view, edit and create Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and attachments as well as view critical PDF files all on their BlackBerry Smartphones. Also included is an easy to use desktop application offering bi-directional file synchronization and providing users with a simple way to transfer and manage important documents.
Why Choose Documents To Go? Documents To Go is not just a viewer, it's a complete solution with a full range of viewing AND editing features. Open Word, Excel and PowerPoint files on your BlackBerry smartphone without any desktop or server conversion needed. Whether you receive files via , the internet, Bluetooth or a media card, native document support means you'll always be able to open files regardless of how you get them to your device. Documents To Go was designed and developed with the BlackBerry user in mind. Everything from SureType® to contextual menus to BlackBerry shortcuts are supported for a familiar look and feel.
According to Office Mobile may be downloaded for compatibility with most small devices. While Blackberry and iPhone offer downloadable apps, such as Documents To Go, or the programs already installed, Microsoft mobile is an alternative download. Word documents can be created or existing documents altered. Many offices do not provide enough equipment and monitors necessary to use notes as well as present a slideshow. With Microsoft mobile or a Smartphone application, both are now available for the best possible presentation.
Mobile Games
What is a mobile game? A mobile game according to Wikipedia is a video game played on a mobile phone, smartphone, or PDA, handheld computer or portable media player, and does not include games played on handheld video game systems such as PlayStation or Nintendo DS.
Facts: The very first game to be played on a mobile phone was Snake. (1997--Nokia). Games are played with each individual phone’s technologies. Today Tetris and Solitare are two of the most popular games. Today game graphics on cell phone games are about equivalent to a 4th or 5th generation game console.
Games can be downloaded onto the phone by Bluetooth connection, or by memory card.
History & Industry When camera phones started coming out in the market phones were beginning to develop with “higher quality graphics”. These newer graphics allowed phones to have better games installed in them. Companies were now beginning to make profit from the game additions. According to Wikipedia “Total global revenues from mobile games were estimated at $2,600 million in 2005 by Informa Telecoms and Media.
Platforms and Limitations Platforms or game technologies allow games to develop and run (be used). Java is the most commonly used game platform. Although Java is the most commonly used game platform for higher quality game usage, platforms such as; Windows Mobile, Adobe’s Flash Lite, DoJa, or iPhone OS must be used. Games are usually purchased by network carriers or operator portals. The games sold and purchased require licenses.
Multiplayer Mobile Games Multiplayer Games according to Wikipedia is defined as a re-branding of a multiplayer game for the PC or Console. A few examples of what multiplayer games can be played through are; Bluetooth, Wireless LAN, or Wi-Fi. –Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a “wireless protocol” (protocol: format, or how exchanged and used) –Wireless LAN/Wi-Fi: Used for home connection
Distribution Games can be circulated (or purchased and received) in 4 different ways: 1. Over the air- usually through Java (received on mobile device by the wireless carrier network the phone is with) 2. Sideloaded- game received this way when connected to a computer with a USB cord and can receive this way by using a Bluetooth connection 3. Pre-Installed- the game is already installed into the phone prior to purchasing it 4. Mobile browser download- according to Wikipedia this is a “ a game file usually Adobe Flash Lite, downloaded from a mobile website”
Silly Applications for iPhone Love Calculator Pro- Meant to help detect companionability between two people based on their first names. iFireplace- cozy up with a loved one in front of a short clip of burning fireplace. iTan- This sensory-appealing app gives tanning addicts the bite of blue light they crave—cancer risk not included Hold On!- Though ultimately producing no admirable skill, this app requires a small amount of focus (holding down a button). Fall Foliage- watch leaves change color from the comfort of your own phone.
The End☻