Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Research: Vid Juvan Course: Method Engineering Mentor: Sjaak Brinkkemper Authors: Khalid Adam Nasr Hans-Gerhard Gross Arie van Deursen Utrecht University 2012/2013
Overview Authors: Khalid Adam Nasr Hans-Gerhard Gross Arie van Deursen Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Authors: Software engineers, research group, University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Realizing Service Migration in Industry - Lessons Learned Performance Trade-offs in Client-Side Service Delegation Khalid Adam Nasr Logica, Amstelveen, The Netherlands Hans-Gerhard Gross Automated Fault Diagnosis for Service-Oriented Architectures Arie van Deursen Co-founder, with Felienne Hermans and Martin Pinzger, of Infotron, a spin-off company specializing in spreadsheets
Overview SOA: Service Oriented Arhitecture architectural style where systems consist of service users and service providers Services - discrete software modules, collectively provide the complete functionality of a large or complex software application -Certain functionality implemented as a service. -Service bulit once, shared and used as many times. -Called, when needed. Guiding principle: applications, when practicle, should reach across the network and call upon the capabilities of services, rather then programers creating those capabilities again and again for every appication that needs them.
Overview SOA advantages: Service Example: SOA disadvantages: Service Oriented Arhitecture SOA advantages: Code reuse Single point of control Business agility Loose coupling Standard protocols, interfaces Service Example: internet sales company various purchasing processes step for creating an electronic purchase order Instead of programing a purchase order routine into every purchasing application, it can be implemented once as a service and shared SOA disadvantages: Ownership of a service Fragile, expensive adoption process
Overview Purpose: Main Phases: Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Main Phases: IT landscape investigation Setting up ‚Enterprise Service Bus‘ Test Project Proof of Concept Setting up ‚Integration Center of Competence‘ Service Integration Process Purpose: Its advantages Improve company structure Improve efficiency Improve agility Decrese costs
Positioning the topic Related Literature: Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Related Literature: SOA: 2002-2008 SOA based on idea of Distributed Object Architecture (Jurič et al., 2000) Different organizations have studied the process of migrating to SOA. One of most active companies in this field is IBM. Channabasavaiah et al.(2004) - ensure a safe transition to SOA Technique: “Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture” (SOMA), used for defining and implementing service-based solutions in IT (Arsanjani et al., 2008)
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry IT landscape investigation:
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Setting up ‚Enterprise Service Bus‘:
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Test Project:
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Test Project Example: Scenario 1: service user sends an office location name and receives a report back on the latest business news for this specific location Logica‘s customer – transport section: landscape very complex and diverse judged it wise to first start with a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) actively involve the different business units in the process from the start possible to explore their different motivations, possible organizational and personal inhibitors Creating as much ownership as possible portal solution Scenario 2: buy a ticket for a journey consults Logica’s online timetable for his preferred date, time and means of travel various payment methods preferred way of receiving the ticket
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Setting up ‚Integration Center of Competence‘:
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Service Integration Process:
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry Service Integration Process: Work process Methodology of how to specify, determen and implement a new service
Process Deliverable Diagram Adopting and Evaluating Service Oriented Architecture in Industry SOA adoption process:
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