1 Chapter 30 and extras 4 Mollusk 4 Segmented worms 4 Dissection info 4 Questions 4 Extras: 4 Animal characteristics 4 Classification of animal kingdom
2 Basic Animal Characteristics 4 Embryo Development are similar 4 Body plan : bilateral radial asymmetric 4 Animals must digest food 4 Animal Protection and support 4 Dehydration problem
3 Embryo Development 4 Stages of development –sex cells fuse = zygote –Blastula –Gastrula –ectoderm / mesoderm / endoderm
4 Frog development Movie
5 Chicken Development
6 Body plan : 4 Bilateral = Can be divided down its length into similar right and left halves. 4 Radial = Can be divided along any plane through a central axis 4 Asymmetrical = Irregular in shape
7 Animals must digest food 4 Digestive systems. –Food must be broken down after it is consume Why???? –Digestive tract one opening (Planaria) two openings ( worm ) organs that make digestive enzymes
8 Animal Protection and support 4 The larger the animal the more support it needs –Skeletal system give something for muscles to attach to. –Help maintain body shape 4 Two kinds of support Endoskeleton / exoskeleton
9 Terrestial Animals : Water Problem 4 Living on land creates the problem of dehydration. 4 Special organs, structures and behaviors are required: –Mucus –Thick skin or layers –Moist oxygen collectors (lungs) –Water recycling organs (intestine/rectum) –Special egg containers
10 Important Technical terms 4 Dorsal 4 Ventral 4 Cephalic 4 Cranial 4 Anterior 4 Posterior 4 Caudal 4 Transverse 4 longitudinal 4 Proximal 4 Distal 4 Sagittal
11 Classification of animals 4 Invertebrates – Sponges – Jellyfish – Roundworm – Mollusk – Annelida –Arthropods 4 Vertebrates –Agnatha (hagfish) –Sharks, Rays –Bony Fish –amphibians –Aves (birds) –Mammals
12 Mollusks and Segmented worm 4 What is a mollusk? 4 Where do Mollusks live? 4 Classes of Mollusks 4 What is a segmented worm?
13 What is a Mollusk 4 Animals that are bilateral, have a coelom, two body openings, a muscular foot for movement and a mantle. 4 Soft bodies composed of a foot, a mantle a shell, and a visceral mass that holds all the major organs
14 What Mollusk have in Common
15 Origin of Mollusk
16 Parts to Mollusk Digestive system Respiratory system Circulatory system Excretory system Reproductive system Nervous system Muscular/ Skeletal systems Protection
17 Digestive System. 4 Mouth 4 radula 4 esophagus 4 Stomach (1) 4 Caecum (2) 4 Intestine 4 See Overhead for details
18 Digestive system Beak
19 Respiratory system Oyster Morphology slide Squid Morphology Slide
20 Circulatory system slide - Open system ( blood bathe the organs )
21 Brain - slide 21915/ 21941
22 Reproductive system 4 Male sex organs 4 Female sex organs 4 Copulation 4 Lay Eggs
23 Excretory system 4 Diffusion in the visceral cavity 4 anus / Intestine
24 Protection 4 Coloration 4 water siphon 4 Behaviors ( schooling) 4 Ink Sac
25 Where do Mollusk live? 4 These animals are aquatic, marine and terrestrial.
26 Classes of Mollusks 4 Classes are : Gastropods - snails / slugs Bivalvia- clams / oysters/ scallop Cephalopoda- squid / octopus
27 Gastropods -Snails (14456)
28 Cephalopoda -Octopus
29 Squids and Octopus 4 Octopus 4 Squid 14447
30 Cephalopoda- Large Octopus
31 What is a segmented worm?
32 Parts to Worm Digestive system Respiratory system Circulatory system Excretory system Reproductive system Nervous system Muscular/ Skeletal systems
33 Digestive system slide Protomium 4 mouth 4 pharynx 4 esophagus 4 crop 4 gizzard 4 Intestine
34 Respiratory System Respiration = diffusion through the wet skin This restrict the over all size of the animal.
35 Circulatory System slide Aortic Arches 4 Closed system
36 Excretory System - worm 4 Since this is a terrestial animal liquid waste is handled differently then solid waste. 4 Solid waste is removed by the anus 4 Liquid waste is removed by the NEPHREDIA
37 Reproductive system 4 Worms are hermaphrodites 4 Male pores 4 Female pores 4 copulation 4 seminal vesicles 4 clitellum 4 egg sac
38 Nervous system 4 Ventral Ganglia 4 Ventral nerve cord 4 pharyngeal ganglion (paired) 4 See Overhead
39 Muscular system 4 Circular muscle layer= causes the sections to swell making the animal push forward 4 longitudinal muscle layers= pulls the other sections forward 4 Seta = provide traction in the soil
40 Things to Know (100 words each) 1.How do each of the Dissected animals acquire food and how do they process it? 2.How is breathing accomplished for each? 3.How do terrestial animals adapt to living in a dry environment? 4.What special feature(s) makes each successful?
41 Review material 4 What features allow these animals to become so large? 4 Why is it important to have better senses if you are larger? 4 How do land animals adjust to dry environments? 4 Why is it important for these animals to develop behaviors? 4 Explain how these animals are like us.