Facts About Suicide 39,518 people died by suicide in 2011 in the United States. 938 people died by suicide in 2011 in Tennessee. Approximately 317,305 people had thoughts of suicide in Tennessee in 2011 (5% of population). Over 1 million people attempt suicide each year, according to a recent SAMHSA study. 2 CDC/AFSP/AAS
Facts About Suicide Suicide was the 10 th leading cause of death for all age groups (2011). Suicide was the 2 nd leading cause of death of ages Someone dies by suicide approximately every 13.3 minutes. Someone aged dies by suicide approximately every 1.75 hours. 3 CDC/AAS
E STIMATES O N A TTEMPTS 25 attempts for each documented death
Gender and Suicide Men are nearly 4 times more likely to die by suicide than women. Women attempt suicide 3 times as often as men. GenderDeathsRate ♂31, ♀ 8,
Tennessee United States Firearms 64.9%50.6% Suffocation 18.6%25.1% Poisoning 12.9%16.6% All other means (cutting, jumping, etc.) are < 2% M EANS OF S UICIDE
Poisoning includes … Overdose Rx, OTC, & Street Drugs Alcohol Frequently Multiple Substances Ingestion of poisonous compounds Exposure to toxic fumes, etc. 7
Overdoses Up to 75-90% of all intentional poisoning deaths are by drugs or alcohol in the U.S. At the same time, another study reports that the average fatality rate for overdose is estimated to be only 1.8%. It is frequently challenging to separate intentional from accidental. 8
Poisoning Deaths vs. Motor Vehicle Traffic Deaths In 2008, poisoning deaths exceeded MVT deaths for the first times since at least Poisoning deaths nearly tripled MVTs are decreasing Poisoning deaths caused by drugs increased from 60% to 90%. 9
Drug Poisoning Death Rates, by Intent - USA,
Facts About Suicide People with substance abuse (SA) disorders are at elevated risk for suicidal ideation and attempts. People who have been treated for SA at 10 times greater risk to eventually die by suicide than the general population. 11 Kelller, Borges, & Walters 1999
Prescription Drugs Dependency & Suicide Risk People dependent on certain kinds of medications are at increased to die by suicide as the general population: Opioid Painkillers = 14 times the risk Morphine, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone Benzodiazepines = 45 times the risk Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Klonopin, Valium, Dalmane, Restoril, Halcion 12
Substance Abuse & Suicide ~30 percent of deaths by suicide involved alcohol intoxication – Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) at or above legal limit (.08%) ~ percent of people who die by suicide have a positive BAC 13
The Triple Dynamics of Substance Abuse and Suicide 1 - RISK FACTOR for suicide 2 - ACUTE Substance Use (Getting drunk or high) Decreased fear – (FEAR is protective) Pain, “Screwing it up!”, Disfigurement Decreased impulse control 3 – MEANS of Death
Prescription Drugs & Suicide Rx abuse Risk factor Iatrogenic factor Means of suicide 15
“Risk Factors” for Suicide are … Characteristics of a person that make it more likely that individuals will consider, attempt, or die by suicide. 16
Major Risk Factors for Suicide Psychiatric disorder, esp. Mood Disorders 90% of the people who die by suicide have a mental health diagnosis. Substance –related Disorders Co-Occurring Disorders Prior suicidal behavior Access to lethal means 17
Abuse of Prescription Drugs Significant risk factor “Abuse" is any use of a prescription drug except as prescribed by a physician to treat a medical condition. Using a higher doses than prescribed Using the medications of others, Buy prescription drugs off the street Etc. 18
Iatrogenic factor …“of a medical disorder caused by the diagnosis, manner, or treatment of a physician.” …“doctor caused sickness” Examples: Getting an infection at the hospital. Adverse reactions to a medication. Doctor allows the natural history of a disease to progress untreated. 19
Medications Have Been “Linked” to Depression and/or Suicide Anti-Depressant Medications - SSRIs Pain Killers Opioid Analgesics Anticonvulsants Inteferon/Ribavirin Therapy Etc. 20
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) Prozac, Paxil, Lexapro, Luvox, Zoloft, etc. Treatment for depression & anxiety disorders 2004 – FDA reviewed clinical trials with kids “Black Box Warning” Significant reduction in treatment for children. Very unclear whether SSRIs affect adult suicidality 21
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Later research only a small increase in suicidal risks with SSRIs, but a much greater benefit to taking the medication. Depression carries it’s own risk for suicide. Sadly, many who could have benefitted from treatment did not get the treatment they needed. Risk-benefit analysis needed. 22
Prescription Drugs as Means of Suicide 75% of poisoning by alcohol and/or drug overdose 47% had no known substance abuse problem ~ 25% ingested two or more drugs. ~ 8% = ETOH & Rxs ~ 8% = OTC & Rxs ~ 69% Used 1 type of Drug ~ 6% Unknown 23
Suicide with Single Type Substance Overdose Prescription drugs = 79% of deaths due to drugs Opioid (morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone) Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Librium, Klonipin) Antidepressants (SSRIs, Tricyclics) Over-the-counter = 10% (especially Acetaminophen) Street drugs = 2% ETOH = 1% Other specified substances = 6 % 24
Take Action!!! Participate in TSPN Monthly meetings all over the state Regional Resource Directories Get training – It’s Free Suicide Prevention Postvention Keep doing what you are doing 25
Are there any questions? 26
This project is funded under an agreement with the State Of Tennessee. 27
Contact Information Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network 295 Plus Park Blvd., Ste. 201 Nashville TN –main line fax Scott Ridgway, M.S. Executive Director Samantha Nadler, B.S. Middle Tennessee Regional Coordinator Vladimir Enlow, M.T.S. Executive Assistant 28