Cynhadledd Athrawon Teacher Conference Colwyn Bay Swansea, Nant Garw Camddefnyddio Sylweddau / Substance Misuse Camdrin Domestig / Domestic Abuse Diogelwch Rhyngrwyd / Internet Safety Ionawr / Jan 2012
THE AIMS OF THE DAY 1)To inform teachers of the current information and trends surrounding substance use and misuse, internet safety and safe personal relationships from a health, social and legal perspective. 2)To share best practice approaches to developing pupil self-esteem and self-awareness in relation to substance misuse, internet safety and safe personal relationships. 3)To provide an opportunity for networking, partnership working and information sharing.
Evaluation of Welsh School based Counselling Strategy 05/11 Presenting issue PercentageWelsh Sample Rank UK Average Rank Family Behaviour related Bullying Family relationship Abuse Domestic Abuse 3.114n/a Substance misuse 2.316n/a ISSUES PRESENTED BY YOUNG PEOPLE IN COUNSELLING IN WALES
Percentage using any drug in the last 12 months by year group and gender % respondents Base: Respondents aged 11 to 16 surveyed between October and December 2009 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: initial findings from the 2009/10 survey in Wales : 09/2011
% respondents Percentage year-olds using various substances in their lifetime by sex, Wales, 2009 United Kingdom drug situation: annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 2011.
LEGAL HIGHS - KEY FACTS 1)Legal highs are substances that mimic the effect of illegal drugs such as ecstasy and speed, but are not controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act )Just because a drug is legal to possess, it doesn’t mean it’s safe. 3)Huge increase in legal highs appearing for sale. 412 new ones have been identified in the last 2 years with 4 times as many being found in the UK than in any other country. 4)The Internet plays a key role. A Google search produces approximately 500,000 results where substances can be purchased directly by customers. 5)New governmental powers - temporary ban placed on any potentially harmful substance while they await a recommendation from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), (within 40 days) on whether it should be permanently controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.
LEGAL HIGHS - KEY FACTS 1)What is C 2 H 5 OH? 2)The most popular legal high in Wales 3)It can be purchased for as little as 20p a dose 4)Research has found direct causal links with brain damage heart disease, cancer and mental health problems such as depression. 5)Slang names include booze. Percentage drinking 1+ alcoholic beverages weekly by age and gender Base: All respondents aged 11 to 16 surveyed between October and December 2009 % respondents
DOMESTIC ABUSE IN WALES – KEY FACTS 1)5.2 per cent of men and 7.1 per cent of women aged reported being a victim of domestic violence in the last 12 months. 2)75 thousand domestic abuse victims live in Wales mainly aged between years 3)There were 2,700 children (including unborn children) on child protection registers at 31 March an increase of 9 per cent compared to March 2009 (Welsh Government Statistical Directorate). 4)Of the 6,255 households accepted as homeless in the last year, 700 were fleeing domestic violence or the threat of domestic violence. Of these, some 270 had dependent children (Welsh Government Statistical Directorate). 5)For the 12-months to the end of December 2010, 3,632 cases across Wales were referred to MARACs. A total of 4,782 children and young people were involved in these cases.
INTERNET SAFETY - KEY FINDINGS 1)12-15s say they would miss their mobile (28 per cent) and the internet (25 per cent) more than TV (18 per cent). 2)95 per cent of year olds now have internet access at home through a PC or laptop (up from 89 per cent in 2010). 3)Social networking is being driven by smart phones. Over two in five 12-15s have a smart phone, with social networking being one of the most popular activities, undertaken by 50% of teen smart phone owners on a regular basis. (33 per cent in 2010). 4)Social networking profiles has stayed static since 2010 at 3 per cent of 5-7s, 28 per cent of 8-11s and 75 per cent of 12-15s. 5)While 12-15s are using the internet for social networking sites, 8-11s are more likely to use it for gaming, with 51 per cent saying they play games online on a weekly basis, (44 per cent in 2010). 6)Children aged 8-15 expressed high levels of confidence about their ability to stay safe online (88 per cent) and that they are confident internet users (97 per cent). Ofcom: Children’s media literacy in the nations: Summary report 07/11
KEY FINDINGS - NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES ONLINE 1)A fifth of all year olds have had a negative mobile or online experience in the past year. Gossip being spread about them being the most common issue (13 per cent). 2)One in twenty online 8-11s (5%) and 7% of 12-15s say they have personal experience of being bullied online in the past year. 3)10% of 8-11s and 25% of 12-15s say that they know someone this has happened to. 4)The majority of parents say they trust their child to use the internet safely (81 per cent), and use a mix of ‘technical’ controls and rules and supervision. 5)Four in ten (39 per cent) parents say that internet controls or filtering software are fitted. 6)However, the use of internet controls or filters has not changed since 2010, and declined since Ofcom: Children’s media literacy in the nations: Summary report 07/11