By: Kara Miller and Danielle Gardiner Club Drugs Club Drugs By: Kara Miller and Danielle Gardiner By; Danielle Gardiner and Kara Miller
What is a Club Drug? A Club Drug is a drug commonly used at dance clubs and “raves” Now Club Drugs are more widely available They look like prescription pills
What is it made of? Club Drugs can be made by using household kitchen ingredients, however, other types of Club Drugs are made from a mixture of unknown products
Harmful Affects Strength and quality of Club Drugs are unpredictable. Very Dangerous Affects vary from person to person Side Effects include: Amnesia, Paranoia, Hallucination, increased heart rate and blood pressure, blurred vision, muscle tension, severe sweating and chills, nausea , increased body temperature, organ failure, decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, memory loss, and even death.
Methods of use Taken orally May be taken with a combination of many Club Drugs May be taken with alcohol
Examples of club drugs: Ecstasy Ecstasy (MDMA) (Also called XTC, X, Adam, Clarity, Love Drug, Georgia Home Boy, and G) Ecstasy is a combined Stimulant and Hallucinogen Other Facts About Ecstasy: Drugs called “Ecstasy” often contain other substances besides MDMA that make them even more dangerous.
Examples of Club Drugs: Rohypnol Rohypnol (Also called Roofies, Rophies, or Forget-me pill) Rohypnol is a CNS depressant Other facts about Rohypnol: Associated with “Date Rapes”; small doses can impair a user for up to 12 hours
Examples of Club Drugs: GHB GHB (Gamma hydroxybutyrate) (Also Called grievous bodily Harm, G, or Liquid Ecstasy.) GHB is a CNS depressant; Also has anabolic (Body-building effects) Other Facts about GHB: Associated with “Date Rapes”; High doses may result in sleep, coma, or death
Examples Of Club Drugs: Ketamine Ketamine (Also called K, vitamin K, Cat Valium) Ketamine is a Hallucinogen. Other Facts about Ketamine: High doses may cause delirium and fatal respiratory problems.
Other information Club Drugs look like prescription drugs Most victims of club drugs, don’t know they’re taking the drug EX: some drugs may be slipped into drinks.
Sources Text book