e-Business Romania Adriana Ţicău State Secretary for Information Technology Conferinţele Piaţa Financiară Bucharest, the 26 th of March 2002
GPTI Integrator and coordinator GESNSI Private Sector CITIZENS Public Sector National Strategy for The implementation of The Information Society Private Sector Public SectorCITIZENS COORDONATION INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION National Strategy for Inf. Society STRATEGY INVESTORS (Public Sector, Private Sector, Civil Society, Trade Capital, Investment Funds) REPORTS PROGRAMSRESOURCESReturn of investments UNIVERSITIES
PRIORITIES: Modernisation of Public Administration and of public services Improvement of life quality: health, environment, transportation Development of ICT field Work Force in the New Economy Education – Culture Technical assistance
Romanian youth into the digital age: bring Internet and multimedia to schools and adapt education to the digital age Computers and Internet is schools computers, with Internet access Cheaper Internet Access: increase competition to reduce prices and boost consumers choice Info-kiosks Multimedia centers cheaper tariffs for Internet access - 50% of normal price + implementation in Romania
Accelerating e-commerce: speed-up implementation of the legal framework and expand use of e-procurement Fast Internet for researchers and students: ensure high speed access to the Internet facilitating co-operative learning and working Smart cards for electronic access: facilitate the establishment of national infrastructure to maximize uptake + implementation in Romania
e-Participation for the disabled: ensure that the development of the Information Society takes full account of the needs of disabled people Healthcare online: maximize the use of networking and smart technologies health monitoring, information access and healthcare Intelligent transport: safer, more efficient transport through the use of digital technologies Government online: ensure that citizen have easy access to government information, services and decision-making procedures on-line + implementation in Romania
“e-Government” Structure eGovernment Technology and Communications Infrastructure Trust, Privacy and Security G2CG2BG2EG2G
Legislative framework initiated in 2002 Governmental Ordinance – 20/2002 – e- procurement Governmental Decision No 182/2002– list of products, list of institutions – First phase Governmental Ordinance –24/2002 – the electronic payment for local taxes Governmental Decision –181/2002- regulations for GO 24/2002
Departments, Administrations, Local Authorities, Public Service Providers RoGovonline Government Gateway Intermediary Portals Third party portals Private sector portals Other government portals Citizen Authentication, security and routing
The four stage framework for e-government applications Stage 1 Information: online info about public services Stage 2 Interaction: downloading of forms Stage 3 Two-way interaction: processing of forms, incl. Authentication Stage 4 Transaction: case handling; decision and delivery ( payment)
Successes in ICT ICT task force (GPTI) – chaired by the Prime Minister, formed by e- ministers e-government (20 basic public services recommended by EU; pilot projects during 2001) e-tax (GO 24/ , GD 181/2002) e-tax (GO 24/ , GD 181/2002) e-procurement (GO 20/ , GD 182/2002) electronic submission of corporate tax declarations– 50 big enterprises Electronic signature( Law 455/July 2001, Regulations GD 1259/Dec 2001) National Strategy for Information Society ( national consensus) Participation at ESIS – EU project Participation at ESIS – EU project
Successes in ICT – E-government center – pilot projects E-tax E-procurement E-Job E-referendum E-market Info-kiosks Multimedia centers Address change Web Declarations for Corporations Identifications of Civil Servants Cash-Flow Management Document Management