Komodo dragons are reptiles they will eat almost anything. Their eggs will take 8 months to hatch. It was found during ww1 when a polit crashed his plane and swam to the ilands. The komodo dragon is endanger only 5,000 are left. Their teeth are razor sharp and their mouth is crawling with bacteria.
The cobra is very posines you get bite you die very fast. It takes about 2 months for their eggs to hatch their defense is their is their fangs. Most cobras live in India.
The turkey vulture is scavenger they eat small mammals and sometimes pumpkin and plant life. They do not defend they will fly away. They will live for 20 years.
They will eat buffalo zebra wildeabeast water buck. They will live up to 15 years in the wild and 25 in the zoo. Their defense is there claws an razor sharp teeth.
They will eat rats ants and small animals. They will fly at 20 to 60 miles per hour in normal flight then get to 100 mph. They will live up to 20 to 30 years in the wild. Their talons are their defense.