Using the ‘Big Six’ Model for Teaching Information & Technology Literacy By Scott Fletcher Library Director / San Domenico School.


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Presentation transcript:

Using the ‘Big Six’ Model for Teaching Information & Technology Literacy By Scott Fletcher Library Director / San Domenico School

Why The ‘Big Six’? Simple & Clear Easy to customize Based on inherent information–seeking behaviors

Overview ‘Big Six’ Model 1. Task Definition 2. Information Seeking Strategies 3. Location and Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation

1. Task Definition 1.1 Define the information problem Select a topic (3-5 th grade) Write a thesis statement (5 th – 12 th grade) Create a mind map or concept map using graphic organizers (6 th – 12 th grade) 1.2 Identify information needed Facts and statistics, biographies, histories, criticism, photos, charts & tables, bibliographies

2. Information Seeking Strategies 2.1 Determine all possible sources Books & Textbooks Web Resources Videos & DVD’s Subscription Databases Community Resources Interviews 2.2 Select the best sources Browse, analyze, consult, choose

3. Location & Access 3.1 Locate sources Classroom Libraries Community People 3.2 Access information within sources Computers / PW & UN Library card Rides to distant resources

4. Use of Information 4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch) 4.2 Extract relevant information Note-taking / Outlining Summarizing Downloading

5. Synthesis 5.1 Organize from multiple sources Interprets information Develops focus, personal perspective Recognizes bias, personal perspective, misinformation Groups ideas, themes Attribution, copyright, fair use 5.2 Present the information Written Report PowerPoint / Multimedia Presentation Video Oral Presentation / Role Play Journal

6. Evaluation 6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness) Ongoing feedback Self-Assessment (rubrics, checklists, portfolio, etc.) 6.2 Judge the process (efficiency) Brainstorms Surveys Suggestions for Improvements

Tips to Keep In Mind These steps are not necessarily linear Individual steps may not take a lot of time These are strategies in problem-solving behavior and can be applied to life situations The ‘Big Six’ can be used for a 2-page written report or a 6 week collaborative web quest or class project.

Resources Everything ‘Big Six’ Everything ‘Big Six The ‘Big Six’: Expanded Strategies & Skills The ‘Big Six’ and AASL & ISTE Standards Graphic Organizers