LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, 2005 1 LCLS Injector Power Supplies for Purchase Paul Bellomo, Antonio de Lira, Dave Mac Nair.


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Presentation transcript:

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, LCLS Injector Power Supplies for Purchase Paul Bellomo, Antonio de Lira, Dave Mac Nair

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, Objectives List and group the different power supply types and controllers needed for Injector magnets Obtain concurrence for the start of purchase Results Three power supply types are needed based on Carl Rago's July 25, 2005 Magnet Spreadsheet and Paul Emma’s PRDs of July 26, 2005 Three controller types are needed

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28,

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, LCLS Injector Magnet Quantities MagnetsComments Bend, Bend Trim, Quadrupole, Solenoid 38 2 magnets on BX01, BX02 string 4 magnets on BXH1…BXH4 string Corrector244 fast feedback XC04, YC04, XC07, YC07 Total62 2 dipoles unspecified BXG, BXS 7 trims unspecified BX01, BX02, BXH1, BXH2, BXH3, BXH4, BXG 9 Correctors on Paul Emma’s list not on Carl Rago list, other minor inconsistencies

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, Rack Mounted Bend and Solenoid Power Supplies (All unipolar output) Magnet Family Magnet/String Need StabilityPower Supply Rating BX01, BX0218V, 335A1 - 25V, 375A, 9kW BXH1, BXH2, BXH3, BXH4 36V, 335A 2 – series connected 25V, 375A, 9kW S12.1V, 269A1- 25V, 375A, 9kW S215V, 269A1 - 25V, 375A, 9kW Total5 - 25V, 375A, 9kW

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, Legend 1. EWS= EPICS workstation 2. PS Controller is Dave MacNair Ethernet Controller. One is currently under evaluation by SSRL

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, MCOR12 (40V, 12A) Power Supplies Magnet TypeMagnet Electrical Requirements DC Corrector24V, 10A20 Bipolar Small Quad/Trim 33V, 11A 10 Unipolar, 9 Bipolar MCOR30 (60V, 30A) Power Supplies Fast Feedback Corrector 24V, 10A 56V for di/dt 4 Bipolar

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, Legend 1. EWS= EPICS workstation 2. PS Controller is Dave MacNair Ethernet Controller. One is currently under evaluation by SSRL

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, Legend 1. PS Controller for MCOR30 is the SPEAR 3 Ethernet Controller. 20 of these are in operation at SPEAR 2. PS Controller is Dave MacNair Ethernet Controller. One is currently under evaluation by SSRL

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, LCLS Injector Power Supply Layout

LCLS Injector Power Supplies July 28, Injector Power Supply Summary TypeQuantity MCOR12 40V, 12A39* MCOR30 60V, 30A4** 25V, 375A, 9kW 5 (2 are series-connected) Unknown9 Total57 * Does not include 3 bulk power supplies ** Does not include 1 bulk power supply Need and asking for LCLS concurrence to start EI diagrams Specifications Purchase Action Items Check and unify magnet list data Design 9 missing magnets