Insufficient Reliable data in this region Estimated people living with HIV The number of new HIV infections in the region increased to in 2009 In 2 countries (Djibouti and southern Sudan), HIV prevalence among pregnant women exceeds 1%. HIV prevalence in other countries across the region remains low Evidence of HIV prevalence over 5% among men having sex with men, and prevalence 2-4% among sex workers in some countries
National facts and figures Recent estimation (2009) ~ Registered HIV positives23125 Registered HIV advanced disease 3054 Registered Death4311
The first case of HIV reported in 1987 in a hemophilic child In 1996, the epidemic was detected among IDUs in two prisons After a while Injecting Drug Use became the most important driver of the epidemic
Country is in concentrated epidemic among injecting drug users with around 15% prevalence No evidence of generalized epidemic Prevalence of HIV among pregnant women is very low Expansion of harm reduction programs has slowed down the growth rate among IDUs
Government instigated and rapidly developed HIV prevention, care and treatment measures among vulnerable groups by; Development of the 3 rd HIV National Strategic Plan Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) Programmes Needle and Syringe Programmes: Through NGOs running Drop In Centers (DICs) and outreach teams Triangular Clinics: Providing MMT and ARV to HIV positive IDUs Delivering all of the services free of charge and confidential Scale up the services to all the provinces toward universal access
Many of strategies in National program are toward prevention activities: Many of strategies in National program are toward prevention activities: Education, Blood safety, Precautions in health care settings, Harm reduction, Voluntary counseling and testing, prevention and care for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Establishment of : VCT Centers MMT Centers DICs Out Reach Teams Peer Group Educators Training of Trainers Hot Lines Services Home Care Services Family Education
Establishment of the behavioural surveillance system ( 2 nd Generation HIV Surveillance System ) system ( 2 nd Generation HIV Surveillance System ) Development of the National M& E System Installing the Positive Prevention strategy by Positive Clubs Establishment of HIV prevention in workplaces
Development the Protocol of Standard Precaution Produce Media Tool Kits Procurement of CD4 & CD8 Tester instruments Installing the Counselling and Harm Reduction Services for Vulnerable Women Vulnerable Women Delivering all of the services free of charge and confidential
Target groups HIV National Strategic Plan Main Objectives Main Objectives General Population Keep the prevalence of HIV below 0.1% among General Population General Population Reduction of Mother to Child Transmission IDUs Prevention of New HIV cases among IDUs and Reduce HIV prevalence among them Vulnerable Women Keep the prevalence of HIV below 5% among vulnerable women PLWHAs Increase the stay time under care & treatment
I.R.IRAN`s National AIDS Program emphasize it`s commitment towards it`s commitment towards Zero New HIV infection Zero Discrimination Zero HIV related Death
Thanks for your Attention STOP the AIDS Keep the Promise