Op-Amp Explorations Mike Farrell 3/30/2011
Outline Goals and Setup Op-Amp Input current Simple Inverting Amp Simple Non-Inverting Amp Combine the two Non-Ideal Analysis
Goals Prove that the ideal Op-Amp model is valid Prove that the non-ideal model is more accurate but not necessary. Demonstrate how to hook up Op-Amp circuits
Setup All Circuits use a LM741C opamp Power Supply is +- 15V Ideal Constraints –In=Ip=0 –Vn=Vp –Av=Inf –Rin=Inf –Ro = 0
Op-Amp Input Current Circuit
Input Current Results Measured Vp and Vn. I=(0-Vx)/100K (Passive Sign Convention) All measurements are within spec for data sheet and very close to ideal. Ideal741 Data Sheet Measured Vp (mV) Vn (mV) Ip (nA)080nA typ 500nA max 43.4 In (nA)045.6
Inverting Op-Amp Circuit
Non-Inverting Op-Amp Circuit
Non-Inverting/Inverting Results InvertingNon-Inverting Ideal (V) Measured (V) % ErrorIdeal (V) Measured (V) % Error Vp Vn Vout
Combo Op-Amp Circuit Combination of Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifiers
Combo Op-Amp Results with Non- Ideal Calculations IdealMeasuredNon-Ideal Model -- Calculated (V) % Error (V)% Error Vp Vn Vout023.2m--.397u--
Non-Ideal Circuit used for Calculations
Conclusions In and Ip <50nA (~0A) Vn = Vp Using realistic Av, Rin, and Ro does not have a significant effect on voltage error. Vout errors all less than 1% from ideal
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