Anthony Thompson Philip de la Vergne Aaron Wascom Brandon Sciortino Team Tesla Anthony Thompson Philip de la Vergne Aaron Wascom Brandon Sciortino
Overview Address items added since PDR Electrical Design Software Design Mechanical Design Hardware Fabrication and Testing Integration Plan Flight Software Implementation and Verification Flight Certification Testing Testing Procedure Testing Results Mission Operations Calibrations Data Analysis Schedule, Risk Management, etc.
Sensors Temperature F3141 RTD sensor Linear resistance with temperature Accuracy of +/-0.65°C Range of -70°C to 40°C Requirements Linear Output Accurate to 1°C
Sensors Pressure Measurement Specialties 1230 sensor Accuracy of +/- .05% Range 0 to 7000 mbar Range -40°C to 135°C Requirements Accurate to 2 mbar Range of 10 mbar to 1013 mbar
Sensors Humidity HIH-4000 Accurate to 3.5% RH -40°C to 85°C 0% to 100% Relative Humidity Requirements Accurate to 3.5% Relative Humidity Range of 0% to 100% Relative Humidity
Temperature Sensor Interfacing Gain: 7.6 Offset: 5.52V R1=7.5kΩ R2=5.44kΩ R3=10kΩ R4=2.1kΩ
Pressure Sensor Interfacing WBEE Manual Figure 4. Pressure Measuring Circuit
Humidity Sensor Interfacing Gain: 1.572 Offset: .4545V R1=7.5kΩ R2=41.98kΩ R3=10kΩ R4=29.9kΩ
Control Electronics
Power Supply
Integrated Circuits (5) Power Budget Component Current Voltage Power Time Capacity BalloonSat 52 mA 12V 1790mW 4 Hours 224mAh Pressure sensor 2mA 24mW 8mAh Humidity sensor 3V 6mW Temperature Sensor 1mA 3mW 4mAh DAC 4mA 5V 20mW 16mAh ADC2 5mA 5.5V 27.5mW 20mAh Integrated Circuits (5) .8mA 15V 84mW 16 mAh EEPROM 5.5mW JK Flip-flop 32mA 176mW 128mAh 5V Reference 1.6 mA 9V 14.4 mW 6.4 mAh Voltage Comparator 6mA 90mW 24mAh HVDC (Max load) 300mA 1500mW 4 Minutes (No load) 20mA 100mW 3 Hours 56 Minutes 79.6 mAh Totals (Full Load) 405.8 mA 3726 mW 478 mAh (No Load) 127.4 mA 2340.4 mW 554 mAh
Batteries AAA Lithium batteries compared to Alkaline
Batteries AAA Lithium batteries compared to Alkaline Batteries needed that provide adequate charge 12 AAA Lithium Batteries chosen to supply voltage
Data Format and Storage Signal Source/Type Example Value Conditioned Value Converted type Final Example Value Temp/ Analog Analog(0-1V) 0.1V Analog(0-3V) .3V 1 Byte 77 Pressure/Analog (bi-pol) Analog difference(0-1V) .5V 1.5V 128 Humidity/Analog Analog(0-1V) 0.8V 2.4V 205 Time/Hour/Digital Digital 4 NA Time/Min/Digital 45 Time/Second/Digital 15 Voltage1/Analog .6554V 1.9662V 2 Bytes 42,952 Voltage2/Analog .7892 2.3676V 51,721 Curent1/Analog .6V 1.8V 154 Current2/Analog .12 .36V Digital Byte (0-255) 31
Pre-Flight Software
Flight Software
Flight Software
Flight Software
Flight Software
Flight Software
Post-Flight Software
External Mechanical Structure
Internal Mechanical Structure
Weight Budget Item Mass Uncertainty Measured or Estimated Pressure sensor (1230 Series) 3 g +/- .5g Datasheet Temperature sensor (F301 RTD) 10 g +/- 1g Humidity sensor (HIH-4000) 1g BalloonSat 67.6 g +/- 5g Payload box 120g +/- 20g Estimated HVDC 15g Spark Gap 30g +/- 10g Wiring 20g Signal Conditioning 60 g +/- 1g (12) AAA Lithium Batteries 91.2g +/- 2g Circuit Boards +/- 4 g Total 447.8 g +/- 24.5g
Payload Construction Plan Control Electronics Fabrication and Testing Test each piece individually Connect pieces one at a time, test Assemble system, check timing diagram Connect to HVDC Spark Gap Fabrication and Testing Spark gap created for testing After CDR, create a flight gap
Integration Plan Humidity and temperature designed on a single board Wires connect board to BalloonSat Control Electronics on single board Wires connect board to BalloonSat through DAC and conditioning circuits Velcro Straps to connect to the payload
Flight Software Implementation and Verification Flight software has multiple functions Keep accurate time Read data from ADC Output to DAC Sense trips in high voltage circuit Reset high voltage circuit Store data to EEPROM
Testing Procedure/Results Temperature Sensor Put sensor in a box of dry ice Used equation from data sheet to calculate resistance Measured resistance with multimeter Results Temperature Measured Calculated Resistance Measured Resistance -61 763.589 760 -48 811.002 807 21 1081.819 1094
Testing Procedure/Results Pressure Sensor Connect sensor to hand pump Compare sensor output to hand pump gauge Results Measured pressure (mbar) Test One Voltage Output (V) Test Two Voltage Output (V) -844.5 0.50 0.51 -676.0 1.00 1.02 -507.0 1.50 1.51 -338.0 2.00 2.04 3
Testing Procedure/Results Humidity Sensor Follow Procedure in WBEE manual Check voltages at key points Exhale on sensor, observe change in voltage Results BLACK Lead point RED Lead point Expected value Measured value OK? GND Test Loop P201-1, the pin of P201 nearest R102 marked “+V” 5.0 V 5 V Yes U201-5 Between 1.5 and 3.5 volts 2.56 V Voltage increases slightly when you exhale onto the sensor 2.60V-3.55V U201-1 Voltage can be increased/decreased by adjustments of either R201 and/or R204 2.00V-2.43V
Testing Procedure/Results Spark Gap Testing Use high voltage source to create corona Test in the vacuum chamber to confirm operation Results
Testing Procedure/Results
Testing Procedure/Results
Testing Procedure/Results
Calibrations Conditioning circuits Correct output for ADC Correct gain RTC Correct time for timestamp data GPS Used for altitude
Pre-Launch Checklist Time Item -27 minutes Install new batteries Check voltages -14 minutes Load pre-flight checklist -11 minutes Install BalloonSat -10 minutes Install circuits -9 minutes Verify sensors are positioned correctly -8 minutes Verify spark gap distance -6 minutes Connect all systems -4 minutes Close Lid -2 minutes Tape lid shut 0 minutes Launch Total: 27 minutes
Flight Requirements, Operations, Recovery Flight Profile 0-100% Relative Humidity 10-1010mbar -70 to 40°C No particular orientation or telemetry Tracked by GPS, recovered after flight
Data Acquisition Term32 will be used to extract data from EEPROM Stored on PC as text file Converted to decimal Using conversion factor depending on bits
Data Analysis Plan Use text files Create graphs to identify correlations Pressure vs. Corona Temperature vs. Corona Humidity vs. Corona Use Microsoft Excel
Updated Project Management Functional Group Team Member Project Management Anthony Thompson Science Requirements Philip de la Vergne Electronics Aaron Wascom Flight Software Mechanical Integration System Testing Brandon Sciortino Data Processing and Analysis Documentation
Master Schedule
Staffing Plan Task Member Responsible Completing Schematics Brandon Sciortino Place orders for shipping Anthony Thompson Calibrations Philip de la Vergne Software Design/Development Aaron Wascom Electrical Design/Development Software Testing External/Internal Construction Testing Data Analysis Fabrication
Master Budget Item Manufacture vender Number of Units Cost HVDC HVM Tech Digi-key 1 270 DAC Texas Instrument 1.54 ADC 1.04 EEPROM Interfacebus 0.98 JK Flipflop Texas Instruments 1.62 Voltage Comparator 1.52 Relay 2.82 Spark Gap Phillip de le Laverne Lowes 50 Humidity Sensor Honeywell LaAces Staff 8.9 Lithium ultimate batteries (AA) Siemens Amazon 5 Pressure Sensor Measurement Specialist 12 BalloonSet Bsat12 LAAces Staff Shipping 20 Resistors Digi`-key Breadboard/ PC board Globalsources 2/1 12/175 AD822 Analog Devices 2 AD820 6 Temperature Sensor Omega Velcro strap Feinersupply Voltage Reference (5V) ANALOG DEVICES, INC Digikey 7.19 10% Reserve Total: $ 425.01/ 594.01
Expenditure Plan Budget Item Unit Cost Number of Units Cost HVDC 270 1 DAC 1.54 ADC 1.04 EEPROM 0.98 JK Flip-flop 1.62 Voltage Comparator 2.83 Relay 50 Spark Gap 8.5 Humidity Sensor Lithium Ultra-Batteries (AAA) 2.5 5 12.5 Lithium ultimate-batteries (AAA) Pressure Sensor Resistors 12 Breadboard 6 PC Board 175 AD822 3 AD820 Shipping 20 Temperature Sensor 10% Reserve Total: $ 425.01 594.01
Material Acquisition Plan Item When Needed When Ordered How Acquired Number of Units HVDC Control Electronics testing Not ordered HVM Tech 1 DAC Order online from Digi-key ADC Order online from digi-key EEPROM JK Flip-flop Order online from Digi-key Voltage Comparator Spark gap testing Relay Spark Gap Picked up from Lowes Humidity Sensor Sensor testing LaAces Staff Lithium Ultimate Batteries (AA) Flight Order online from Amazon 5 Pressure Sensor Testing Resistors Prototyping conditioning circuits 12 Breadboard Prototyping conditioning circuits Digi-key AD822 2 AD820 6 BalloonSat Software testing Already have Temperature Sensor Omega
Risk Management and Contingency Risk Event Likelihood Impact Detection Difficulty When Faulty Power Supply 3 5 2 Flight Faulty Preflight Procedure 4 Pre-Flight Incorrect Coding 1 Calibration Sparking Losing a Team Member Faulty Parachute Component Failure During Flight/ Testing Impurities on Electrode Surface Pre-Flight/During Flight Loss of Payload Post-Flight External Deadlines not Met Over Budget Memory Deficiency Unexpected Environmental Conditions Unavailable Parts Change in Electrode Distance Bad Connection During Fabrication Fabrication Ice On Payload Short Circuit In Payload
Contingency Risk Event Response Contingency Plan Trigger Responsibility Faulty Power Supply Reduce Switch out with new Batteries Sensors Malfunction or Break Philip de la Vergne Faulty Preflight Procedure Pre-Flight To-Do list Pre-Flight Set up Anthony Thompson Incorrect Coding Recode Will not load to BASIC Stamp Aaron Wascom Sparking Electrode geometry, sparking type, and Faraday cage Faulty Programming Losing a Team Member Work is shared among remaining members Sudden Workload Increase All Members Faulty Parachute Transfer Build payload to protect data storage Parachute failure Dr. Guzik Component Failure Order another from a different company or have a spare Device does not operate properly Impurities on Electrode Surface Check surfaces prior to launch Condensation or dust Brandon Sciortino Loss of Payload Share Prepare Failure Report Lack of Payload External Deadlines not Met Retain Pray we don’t get fired Lack of Project Management Over-Budget Find cheaper Component or Apply for More Funds Cost Analysis Memory Deficiency Restart program before launch Obtain more memory Loss of Data Points/ Taking data before flight. Unexpected Environmental Conditions Increase Sensor Ranges Sensor Failure and Data Spikes Part Unavailability Different Supplier Research Supplier Change in Electrode Distance Strengthen stability of electrodes Carelessness during Fabrication Bad Connection During Fabrication Double and triple check all solder joints Faulty circuit