Lesson Three
1. How do you feel? 2. Can human afford to lose all those Nature ? Nature Tour
Treasure Hunt CD Stray, AB Stay (3 minutes x 2 rounds) Share & improvise (10 minutes) Show time
Keyword sentences (Upper cell)
Keyword sentences (Lower cell) EXAMPLE
How are they different from the plastic bags in Macau?
Pay for our plastic bags?
1.Why is there a Government levy for those plastic bags? What is the Government’s intention? 2. Do you think it is fair to the consumers? Why? 3. Do you think this is a good way to reduce the use of plastic bags? Are there other better ways? Pay for our plastic bags?
Hidden poison 1.What is the difference between the 2 batteries? 2. Which one brings more harmful effects to our Environment? 3. What other things we throw away contain poisonous materials like the traditional batteries?
Each group will get … 1. A blank poster 2. Group Tasksheet for Mission 3
Theme for Mission Level 3JunkDisposal
Codes (keywords)
Draw a mind-map
How to draw a mind-map ?
Keyword sentences
Get ready for presentation next week