GCE Fine Art Welcome to the AS Fine Art course 2011 – 2012 Exam Board – AQA Unit 1 = 50% of total marks Unit 1 - Inside/Outside This course is designed.


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Presentation transcript:

GCE Fine Art Welcome to the AS Fine Art course 2011 – 2012 Exam Board – AQA Unit 1 = 50% of total marks Unit 1 - Inside/Outside This course is designed to build on your art experiences so far and help you to develop in a much more individual way. Staff are here to guide and assist you; they will monitor your progress closely and will give you regular feedback. Work hard and enjoy!

Task 1 – Assessment Objective 1 – Exploring Ideas. In small groups produce a comprehensive mind-map exploring all possible ideas for this theme. Think, discuss, write and feedback. A mind map is useful for other people to understand your thoughts and ideas. It may be necessary to highlight certain areas that you want to make your focus. You may also want to include sketches as well as words. This is a visual subject, after all. Unit 1 - Inside/Outside Ideas

Composition Unit 1 - Inside/Outside Task 2 – Assessment Objective 2 – Select and Experiment. Review and Refine. Discuss what makes a good composition. Look at the Current AS work and select good examples of successful compositional studies. In groups, arrange the objects on each table to form INTERESTING compositions. Experiment with different positions until you find one which you all agree would provide you with a successful grouping to work from. Feedback your reasons.

Unit 1 - Inside/Outside Discuss why or how these compositions would satisfy the title above.

Unit 1 - Inside/Outside Task 3 - Assessment Objective 3 – Recording. For September: With the theme Inside/Outside in mind, select different groups of items from around your home. These could be personal treasures, things found in an outside shed, the contents of a drawer or cupboard, items linked to a hobby or interest, food and drink etc. Try to think creatively and DO NOT SIMPLY EMPTY YOUR POCKETS! Arrange these objects to create interesting compositional groups. Take photographs to record your exploration of composition. Consider such things as outer surfaces, inner detail, texture, lighting, colour, tone and line. Make 4 detailed studies of your best compositional arrangements. Use different media for each one and work on different scales. Present your work to the group in whatever way you feel to be suitable. You will be judged on the accuracy of your observational drawing skills as well as the quality of your photography and compositional arrangements. Good Luck! Remember that this work will contribute towards your AS mark. Recording