Get the most out of your course and revision with Phoenix Health & Safety Revision and exam techniques
It will be easier to get all the resources you need to revise well before you start. It will be easier if you organise and update your notes throughout the course. If you haven't done this, spend one evening organising and ordering everything you have. Preparing to Revise Types of study Aids: Note paper Course manual Example exam papers and practical assignments Highlighters Coloured Pens and Pencils
A Suitable Environment Your study environment should be: Calm and quiet Well lit A good temperature Full of nice, fresh air to keep you awake Free from distraction (i.e. mobile phone, family, TV, alcohol etc.) Large table or desk A good chair and spacious desk. Stationary and other study aids course information Keep hydrated and ensure you drink plenty of fluids. It is important to work in a comfortable environment. Preparing to Revise
Revision Timetable If you have a revision timetable, fill in your study Alternatively, make your own timetable, use a diary or wall-chart that is specific to you. Some people like to study early in the day, others prefer to study later on. Tips for Time Management Do not intend to study all day. Schedule breaks in your working day for fun, food, relaxation and exercise, but not all at once Too much work can be as unproductive as too little work. A good way to start is to work for 50 minutes, then have a 10 minute break every hour. Try to give each subject equal time, do not concentrate on one subject at the expense of another. Do difficult tasks at times when you are at your most productive. Be realistic and disciplined - don't plan a schedule you can't manage. Be flexible - you never know when an emergency will crop up. Leave time at the end for reviewing what you have done and what you must still do. Reward yourself when you achieve targets or goals. Preparing to Revise
Revision should be as active as possible. The best way to do this is to take the information you have and put it into a different format. You should also try to use as many different parts of your brain as possible while revising. For example, writing something in bright colours gives you a better chance of remembering something than if you write it in black because you are stimulating the part of your brain that deals with colour as well as written information. Revision Techniques
Mind Mapping If you didn't already know, a mind map is a kind of advanced spider diagram that makes good use of pictures, colours and spatial relations. Mind maps increase your chances of learning a subject because they stimulate multiple parts of your brain. A mind map that is constructed with thought and care will be a much more effective learning method than a simple page of notes or a simple spider diagram. Mind maps are easy to construct. You should be as imaginative as possible when you are constructing a mind map. Revision Techniques
Mnemonics / Acronyms Mnemonics techniques are good methods for remember key information. You take the first letter or each word and form another word to remember. Revision Techniques
Prompt Cards Make some revision notes on small index cards. You can carry round these prompt cards for revising in short breaks. Each card can contain a definition, a short list, a summary. Don't try to fill the card with information. It will be difficult to read - and remember.. Integrate different revision methods –remember that your brain will associate colours, symbols, pictures, music with different things. Small prompt cards with key words/dates can be just as useful as a page of notes, and you can carry them in your pocket Revision Techniques
Write ideas and facts on cards to use as ‘prompts’ Create memory aids such as diagrams or mnemonics (e.g. SMART). However, please remember that you can’t use your diagrams as the sole answer in the exam; you can use it as a basis and expand it when it comes to writing your answer. Write key facts on pieces of cards and display them around your house. Study with a friend and test each others knowledge Attend any revision classes that Phoenix HSC might be holding. Work through past exam papers – this will test your knowledge and allow you to become familiar with the exam format. If there’s a question you can’t answer then you know you need to go back and revise that subject. Remember to reward yourself. Use rewards as incentive to do the revision. Try and read around the subject that you are revising. You should try and research aspects outside of what is taught in the classroom to give you a broader understanding of quality. It is also suggested that using real life examples will help illustrate your answers more effectively. Try and think of some examples that back up your answers in the exam. Revision Techniques
Learning Styles Visual (spatial). - You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical). - You prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic). - You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. Physical (kinesthetic). - You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. Logical (mathematical). - You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal). - You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal). - You prefer to work alone and use self-study. You will probably be a combination of learning styles
Learning Styles
Learning Styles KNOWING HOW TO LEARN, and knowing which strategies work best, are valuable skills that will assist you to perform well at your exams.
Strategies to be Avoided - They do not work. "I record the trainer on my dictaphone. If I play them to myself while I sleep, they'll sink in and I won't have to do any work while I'm awake. Am I clever or what?" "Cramming. Cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram." "I work all day every day. There's no time for breaks at exam time. That's what I've always said." "I find that if I leave my revision as long as possible, it makes me panic so badly that I do everything really quickly and save myself loads of time." "I just revise a few topics from each subject. I'm a lucky guy, There's always something I can answer when I do that." "Revise? I don't have to revise, I remember it all the first time round, and if I can't remember, then it's not worth knowing." Revision Techniques
Using Past Papers to Revise Passing exams is as much about technique as it is about knowledge. Understand the style of the questions and scoring criteria You need to practice your timing as well as your recall of knowledge. To start with, compare the notes you have against the questions asked on your example test questions. Make sure you have enough material to be able to answer all the questions. Exam Techniques
Day before the exam: Use your revision tools (e.g. diagrams, mnemonics, prompt cards etc) to check facts Keep calm – don’t try to learn new topics so close to an exam. Don’t stay up all night. Exam Techniques
Answering Questions Read through the paper and any instructions carefully – Before looking at the actual questions, read the instructions and complete any compulsory information (name, date etc). Work out the timing – Divide your time according to the number of questions to be answered. Split it proportionately if you have some questions (or parts of questions) which attract more marks than others. Read the questions carefully. Read through the paper once and then re-read each question. You might think a topic you've revised hasn't come up, when it is there but the wording is unusual. Understand the concept of the question. Choose your best questions - Mark any questions you might answer, and then check that you fully understand it. Do you have some relevant knowledge, ideas and evidence for the ones you choose to answer? Decide on question order. Some people like to start with the topic they know best to give them a good start Read through your paper and analyse your answers:- filling in gaps, correct any errors Exam Techniques NEBOSH Certificate suggested timings
Maximising your marks Think about what the question is actually asking. What are you expected to include in your answer? What material will be relevant? The most common complaint from markers is that the student didn't answer the question. Plan before you write – The stress of working under time constraints in the exam room can make all your good study intentions disappear. However, this is when it's more important than ever to get your ideas across clearly and concisely. Take a few minutes to think and plan: Underline the key words in the question; Identify the main topic and discussion areas.. Choose a few points/arguments about which you can write. Make a mini-plan which puts them in order before you start writing. You can cross it through afterwards. Referencing in exams – You should be able to refer by name (spelt correctly!) legislation in your topic. You are not expected to give specific sections of the acts/regulations. What to do if your mind goes blank – most students fear this happening. If it does – put your pen down, take a deep breath, sit back and relax for a moment. If you're in the middle of an answer, read through what you have written so far – what happens next? If you have to remember formulae, try associating them with pictures or music while revising. If you really can't progress with this answer, leave a gap. It will probably come back to you once you are less anxious. If you are running out of time – don't panic. Look at the questions you have left to answer and divide up your remaining time to cover them all. Be very economical – make one point support it with evidence and then move on to the next point. If you really can't finish in time, briefly list the points you wanted to make – they could pick you up a few marks. Exam Techniques
Maximising your marks Presentation - Handwriting and grammar do not lose or gain marks, however it has to be readable! Remember that the exams are marked by humans so the easier it is to mark, the easier it is to give marks for. Action Verbs - Take note of the “action verb” at the start of each question. As a general rule, if a question asks you to “Identify”, “state" or “list” then a simple list will do. If however, the question asks for “outline”, “describe” or “explain”, then your answer should be in sentences, preferably with an example to illustrate. Keep it Brief - We have already said that you must comply with the action verb, but do not be tempted to waffle on or give long introductions to your answer – this is not required. There are no marks for “star quality” – just answer the question. “Bankers” - This is important. There are certain answers which will be relevant time and time again, for example: risk assessment, training, supervision, PPE etc. Put reproducing this list without relating it to the specific question will not gain marks “Outline the precautions to be taken when a minor repair is to be carried out on a fragile roof”. Carry out a risk assessment – 0 marks Carry out an initial risk assessment to identify the hazards from roof work and decide on the necessary precautions – 1 mark Provide adequate information, instruction and training – 0 marks Provide information, instruction and training on the hazards and associated precautions involved in roof work – 1 mark Exam Techniques
Action verb meaning define - provide a generally recognised or accepted definition describe - give a word picture explain - give a clear account of, or reasons for give - provide without explanation (used normally with the instruction to ‘give an example [or examples] of...’) identify - select and name list - provide a list without explanation outline - give the most important features of (less depth than either ‘explain’ or ‘describe’, but more depth than ‘list’) sketch - provide a simple line drawing using labels to identify specific features state - a less demanding form of ‘define’, or where there is no generally recognised definition Exam Techniques
The most important points to remember when you revise : Start early, the earlier the better. Be organised, make a timetable. Revise where you are most comfortable. Use techniques that are the best for you. Take regular breaks to digest and process information And finally…. Enjoy ! Revision Techniques