MAX WEBER An Overview and Rationalization
Max Weber Pronounced: Maks 'veːbɐ (21 April 1864 – 14 June 1920) Along with Karl Marx and Émile Durkheim Weber is regarded as one of the founders of modern sociology.
“the contemporary vision of the world has become “predominantly Weberian” MacIntyre Weber’s view “has been one of the most obvious features of social theory as it has been practiced since the middle of the century” Brian Turner “the contemporary vision of the world has become “predominantly Weberian” MacIntyre Weber’s view “has been one of the most obvious features of social theory as it has been practiced since the middle of the century” Brian Turner
Weber’s analysis of modern societies Rationalization Bureaucracy The origin of Capitalism and rationalization(The Protestant Ethic) The “Iron Cage” Weber’s basic concepts and theories Social action and social relationships Power and legitimate order (authority – Three types) Class, status and Party (political power)
Rationalization Refers to: Social actions, social relationships, and social institutions becoming increasingly more rational. The two meaning of the term rational: 1. Not based on traditional values, human feelings and passions, and moral values.
Instrumental Rationality 2. Based on the consideration of the most effective means of achieving the ends. The latter is called by Weber “instrumental rationality.”
Bureaucracy Refers to the institutional aspect of rationalization, e.g. the universities, the government and the big private corporations, which are: 1. dispassionate, impersonal, and predictable 2. the only effective way of managing big organizations (e.g. Government and Corporations).
The Origin of Capitalism What Capitalism is about? Is it about grid and making money in order to enjoy wealth?
What is pursued in capitalism? Weber says is not: "the greed for gold...unscrupulous pursuit of selfish interest" and "bound to no ethical norms whatever.” There is an essential difference between capitalism and piracy for instance! Weber says is not: "the greed for gold...unscrupulous pursuit of selfish interest" and "bound to no ethical norms whatever.” There is an essential difference between capitalism and piracy for instance!
The distinct characteristic of capitalism “the pursuit of profit, and forever renewed profit, by means of continuous, rational, capitalistic enterprise”
Capitalism is not about pleasure! The life style of the capitalist (the essence of the capitalist ethos), Weber says: is not to pursue a purely "hedonist" (pleasure seeking) attitude.
The leading motive: "a man exists for the sake of his business, instead of reverse"
The ideal type of the capitalist "avoids...unnecessary expenditure, as well as conscious enjoyment of his power." In doing so "he gets nothing out of his wealth for himself except the irrational sense of having done his job well.”
Capitalism is Irrational! Weber says: “Making money for the sake of making money is absolutely irrational.” “What is natural and rational is to make money for satisfying the needs.”
Capitalist ethos is “unnatural” “ran against the most natural tendencies of the human mind” “It does not come naturally to human beings to “earn more and more money.”
The natural tendencies of the human mind To have a settled condition and be happy and to this purpose it is enough to earn as much as is necessary.
Capitalist spirit was unethical Furthermore, the conception of money making as an end in itself "was contrary to the ethical feelings of whole epochs." “It was at best tolerated if not utterly condemned.”
Capitalism had to fight for supremacy Capitalism thus had to struggle to assert the necessity of "pursuit of material gain beyond personal needs“ [that is, as an end in itself] against traditional values and the natural tendencies of the human mind.
The historical task: Weber concludes, the only way the spirit of capitalism could win was to turn making profit and work into ethical obligations. But how?
The relevance of the religion At the origin of capitalism: "a man's salvation was the most important thing in life” For people, the after life was "more certain than all the interest of life in this world and the beyond meant everything.”
The Protestant Religion The spirit of capitalism needed, thus, the help of a religion. Capitalism found a powerful moral support in the Protestant movement and especially in its most radical sect Calvinism.
Salvation vs. predestination. Protestant faith proclaimed that the conviction of salvation is revealed not in a gradual accumulation of good works. The destiny of the individual in the after life is decided by God on the basis that only He knows how.
The proof of salvation All believers can do is to look for the signs of their predestined fate after life. God's blessing was revealed for them in 1. the multiplication of profit and possessions 2.the success in occupation.
Productivity and work ethic To make profit the capitalist system needs good workers (work ethic: doing the job as if it is one’s duty!) labour "must be performed as if it were an absolute end in itself, a calling"
The salvation of the workers labour performed as if it were an absolute end in itself, a restless, systematic work.
Capitalism Today: No moral foundations today the capitalist functions purely as a technical and self-perpetuating machine. it is endowed with the power to educate and select the economic subjects through a process of economic survival of the fittest. "whoever does not adapt must go under or at least cannot arise”
Only self-interest reigns The individuals action is guided by the rationalization which in Weber's terms signifies a "deliberate adaptation to situations in terms of self-interest“
There is no alternative The capitalistic economy presents itself to an individual, as an order in which he must live merely out of "weakness and helplessness and because there is no alternative."
A pessimistic view: The Iron Cage As a result Weber's judgment is gloomy and pessimistic. "The Puritan wanted to work in a calling, we are forced to do so.” We are condemned “to being without any reason for so being"
Worldly Asceticism As the Origin of Rationalization
Asceticism describes a life characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures (austerity). Those who practice ascetic lifestyles often perceive their practices as virtuous and pursue them to achieve greater spirituality.
Renouncing the World Many ascetics believe the action of purifying the body helps to purify the soul, and thus obtain a greater connection with the Divine or find inner peace. This may take the form of self-mortification, rituals or renunciations of pleasure.
Monks and Nuns Laypeople are not expected to live in extreme asceticism since this is close to impossible while undertaking the normal responsibilities of worldly life. Those who wish to do this therefore separate themselves from the world and live as monks and nuns.
The signs of ascetic life Some examples: The fanatical opposition of the Puritans to the ordinances of the King, permitting certain popular amusements on Sunday outside of Church hours by law.
Sport is “exercise” not enjoyment Sport was accepted if: Yes it served a rational purpose, that of recreation for physical efficiency. Sport was not accepted if: It served as a means for the spontaneous enjoyment. No!
No dance, no art! Were suspicious: The enjoyment of the dance-hall or the public--house the Christmas festivities and all spontaneous religious art
Detachment and loneliness No hope that the state of grace and forgiveness could come from magic or could be given by the religious authorities (such as by confession). Resulted in "a feeling of unprecedented inner loneliness of the single individual"
Lack of Spontaneity Any surrender to temptations of spontaneous, impulsive enjoyment was a sign of damnation which could not be redeemed by further good work and good behavior.
Worldly Asceticism Instead of renouncing the worldly affairs, like the monks in the monasteries, the Protestants applied the methodical self-control to their everyday tasks (social functions considered to be a calling or a divinely given task).
The moral foundations of the modern life It was this rational regulation of the whole of conduct that could support and legitimate the rational organization of capitalist labour and capitalist enterprise and the development of rational technique and law.