How Are You? San Clemente Presbyterian Church Kathy McConnell Sept 9, 2009
Power of Linkedin Maximize Linkedin Leverage Linkedin
It’s Not Six Degrees of Separation, It’s !!!
Maximize Profile Groups Recommendations Leverage Tools & Features Job Search Research & Prospecting: Companies & People The New Reference Check Home Page Management
Your Profile Headline: Differentiate yourself in 6 words or less! Industry: Use LinkedIn menu to ensure proper SEO. Add photograph. Help people remember you. Answer the question, “What are you looking for?” Job or Consulting opportunities in _________. Add all of your websites & blogs Change public profile address.
Your Profile
Summary: Think in terms of value propositions. Specialties: Maximize your “find ability” with keywords. Format points rather than paragraphs so that your reader can scan quickly and pull stats fast. Quantify your results and value as much as you can.
Education & Additional Info Leverage your education & alumni networks to their fullest potential. Add all relevant websites. Describe yourself!!! Great way to engage a new contact by reading their interests and finding something in common.
Maximize Your Profile Change your public profile from: to: Your public profile will be indexed by the search engines. Increase your own SEO!
Google Search Yourself
It’s Good To Be In A Group Accelerate your career through referrals from group members. See a list of all of your fellow group members. Search within your group for vital new contacts. Use special contact settings to communicate directly with fellow members.
We Are Orange County Home Page
News & Contacts At Your Fingertips!
Recommendations: Why They Matter Your profile link appears in their profile. Another opportunity for people to read how you express yourself. Writing a recommendation for someone else increases the chances they will write one for you. Need at least 3 recommendations for your profile to be considered 100% complete. A number of job postings require a certain number of recommendations to apply for job.
Leverage Tools: Outlook & Browser Toolbars
Outlook Toolbar Installed
Jobs Navigation
Search Linkedin Jobs for Contacts Based upon your search results, you can view posting on LI Jobs and The Web. More and more companies are posting their jobs on LinkedIn. It’s less expensive ($195 per posting for 30 days) and they can source candidates from people they know.
Search SimplyHired for Contacts The Web results are pulled from SimplyHired which crawls most of the popular boards. Make sure you have downloaded the JobsInsider toolbar so you can see who you know within that organization or recruiting firm.
Who I Know at These Companies
Companies Navigation
Research & Prospecting Browse by Industry or Company There are over 160,000 companies to search in LI. Every Fortune 500 and over 600,000 small business owners.
Companies Related to My Business
Company Profile
Company Profile: New Hires & Promotions Until now this information has been hidden in the HR filing cabinet! Now you have insight into how the company makes its hiring decisions as well as future promotional opportunities. What is the background of the recent hires? Does your background look similar? Check out their profiles to learn even more about their career path.
People Navigation
“CEO” Search Results Search for the people who make hiring decisions. This was the search results for “CEO” located within 50 miles. It delivered over 500 results within my network. Remember 2 degrees of separation theory. I did not know who Michael Jones was in April when I pulled this search. Turns out his company is one of my customers.
Who’s Viewed My Profile See who is viewing your profile (competition or hiring oppty). Select information that will be shown to other LinkedIn users when you view their profiles: –Show my name and headline –Only show my anonymous profile characteristics, such as industry and title –Don’t show users that I’ve viewed their profile
The New Reference Check
Recruiters & HR Managers Have Upgraded Accounts There are 521,000 recruiters & 829,000 HR professionals on Linkedin * 40% of Fortune 100 Companies now use LinkedIn recruiting tools Recruiters can view these connections and contact them to learn about you – not just interview the references you gave them! * Workforce Management March 12, 2009
Home Page Management Check site daily. Make it habit like checking Yahoo Finance. This is your human investment fund.
Home Page Management Make sure you belong to groups that are relevant to your search and look for conferences that you can attend in the new Events section.
Home Page Management
Other Lingo
How Will You Be Now? Kathy McConnell VP Marketing BandCon