Abrahamic Religions Islam Judaism Christianity.


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Presentation transcript:

Abrahamic Religions Islam Judaism Christianity

Important Vocabulary Theism – Monotheism – Salvation – Orthodox – Canon – Predestination – Prophet – Clergy – Belief in the existence of a god or gods. The belief in one god. Deliverance from the power and penalty of sin. Conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, etc. The books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired. The act of God in foreordaining, from eternity, whatever comes to pass A person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration The group or body of ordained people in a religion

Islam Basic Facts Origins and History Religious Beliefs

Basic Facts Followers are called Muslims Islam is mainly concentrated in the Middle East and Southeast Asia Qu’ran (Koran) is the sacred text of Islam Hadith (Other written authority) Imams (Clergy) “Word of God” Identical book in Heaven Divided into 114 chapters or Surahs Surahs are revelations given to Mohammed 1. “Tradition” 2. Collection of the sayings and actions of Mohammed Mosque (House of Worship) Main day of worship – Friday

Shi’a Sunni Origins and History Founded 622 AD Founded in Arabia (Saudi Arabia today) Believed that Ali (Mohammed’s Son-in-Law was the rightful successor as leader of Islam following Mohammed’s death) Ali is revered as a saint to the Shi’a The Shi’a are dominant in Iraq and Iran Accept Ali as well as the 3 other leaders that came before him and after Mohammed Follow the belief that a new leader should be elected from those proven to be capable of the job. Sunni Muslims make up the majority of Muslims all over the world (85%) Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdallah Original Language - Arabic Within 12 years Islam had spread to the entire Arabian Peninsula. Within 100 years, the Islam had spread from the Atlantic to China Major Split – Shi’a/Sunni 650 AD

Religious Beliefs Monotheistic faith Allah (Arabic for God) The Qur’an is the inspired, literal word of God. Inerrant in original languages. Humans have the equal ability to do good or evil

Religious Beliefs cont. Salvation is attained by: good deeds, correct belief, Five Pillars Salvation predestined by Allah Shahadah Salah (Prayer) Sawm (Fasting) Zakat (Charitable Giving) Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) Afterlife exists: Good Afterlife – Eternal Paradise Bad Afterlife – Eternal Hell

Islamic View of Other Abrahamic Religions Jews and Christians are respected as “People of the Book,” but they have wrong beliefs and only partial revelation.

Judaism Basic Facts Origins and History Religious Beliefs

Basic Facts Talmud Midrash Responsa Followers are called Jews Judaism is mainly concentrated in Israel, USA, and Europe Sacred Text is the Bible Christian Old Testament Torah (Books of Moses) – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Written decisions and rulings given by the scholars Verse by verse interpretation of Hebrew scriptures Jewish Law, Ethics, Customs and History Other Written Authority: Talmud, Midrash, Responsa

Basic Facts cont. Clergy - Rabbis Main day of worship - Saturday House of Worship - Synagogue

Origins and History Date Founded - unknown Founded in Israel/Palestine Founded by Moses or Abraham Original Language - Hebrew Little Expansion Major Split – Reform/Orthodox (1800s)

Religious Beliefs Names of God – Yahweh or Elohim Views vary when it comes to the origin and inspiration of Sacred Texts Humans have two equal impulses: One good and one bad.

Religious Beliefs cont. Salvation comes from belief in God and good deeds Yahweh has divine revelation and forgiveness (as opposed to predestination) Afterlife Good Afterlife : either heaven, or no afterlife Bad Afterlife: either reincarnation, eternal hell, or no afterlifeu8

Jewish View of Other Abrahamic Religions Islam and Christianity are false extensions and interpretations of Judaism.

Christianity Basic Facts Origins and History Religious Beliefs

Basic Facts Followers are called Christians Judaism is mainly concentrated in Europe, North and South America, rapid growth in Africa Sacred text is the Bible Jewish Bible and New Testament Clergy are: priests, ministers, pastors, bishops Split into two sections: Old Testament and New Testament Has 66 books Was the first book to be printed House of worship: Church, Chapel, Cathedral Main day of worship: Sunday

Origins and History Founded in 33 AD Founded in Israel/Palestine Founded by Jesus Christ Originally written in Aramaic and Greek Within 60 years, churches in major cities in Palestine, Turkey, Greece, and Rome; entire Roman Empire by the end of the 4th century. Major Split: Catholic/Orthodox (1054 AD) Catholic/Protestant (1500s AD)

Religious Beliefs Trinitarian Monotheism Names of God: Yahweh, the Holy Trinity The Bible is inspired, some believe inerrant in original languages Humans have “Original Sin” inherited from Adam

Religious Beliefs cont. Salvation comes from correct belief, faith, good deeds (Faith Alone) Predestination and varying forms of grace both play roles in salvation Afterlife: Good Afterlife: eternal heaven Bad Afterlife: eternal hell, temporary purgatory (Catholicism)

Christian View of Other Abrahamic Religions Judaism is a true religion, but with incomplete revelation. Islam is a false religion.