Week Whatever: PHP Announcements/questions/complaints
What is PHP? Server-side scripting language PHP: Hypertext Processor Created in 1995; current version Dynamically typed (like JavaScript) Other scripting languages: Microsoft ASP Adobe ColdFusion Java (using JSP) Ruby (using Rails)
PHP Scripts are stored on a server Interpreted on servers when a page is requested I request example.php Server looks up the file PHP software processes PHP file Output is HTML+CSS+JavaScript that is returned as the requested page
Real Life Examples Facebook ‘Compressed’ PHP Wikipedia Photobucket Yahoo! YouTube
PHP Can run on most operating systems Compatible with most servers (Apache, IIS, etc) Lets you create dynamic webpages Most useful when you want to insert specific custom data Where does this data come from? Databases!
PHP + MySQL MySQL is a Structured Query Language database platform PHP has native built-in support for MySQL While interpreting a PHP script, PHP software can make multiple requests to multiple MySQL databases PHP also supports many other databases
PHP Basics PHP Script can contain: HTML CSS JavaScript PHP script PHP files have extension.php If you save them as.html, the PHP software will not process them Closed source – your users cannot read your code (unlike JavaScript)
PHP Basics PHP scripts are written inside a tag Anything you want interpreted has to be inside these tags Example:
PHP Basics Like Java, every line in PHP ends with a semicolon; //Single-line comments /* Multi-line comments */
PHP Basics PHP variable names are always preceded by a $ Assigning a value to a variable: $variable_name = value; PHP variables are loosely typed Don’t have to declare variables before using them Can reassign variables to hold different types of values
PHP Basics Variables can only include alphanumeric characters and the underscore Variables must start with a letter or an underscore PHP variables have a single scope, usually Variables in functions are limited to those functions The keyword global will use global variables inside a function
The global keyword
Operators +Addition+= -Subtraction-= *Multiplication*= /Division/= %Modulus%= ++Increment --Decrement =Assignment.=Concatenate (Strings)
Comparison Operators ==Equal to !=Not equal to<> <Less than <=Less than or equal to >Greater than >=Greater than or equal to
Logical Operators &&andAND ||orOR !not xorXOR
If/elseif/else if (condition) statement; elseif (condition) statement; else statement;
Switch switch(variable){ case a: statement; break; case b: statement; break; default: statement; }
Loops while (condition){ statements; } for (initialization; condition; increment){ statements; }
Arrays Numerically indexed Associatively indexed (maps) Multidimensional (combination of one or any of the above) Create an array with $var_name = array(); Index with $var_name[0] = assignment; or $var_name[$other_var] = assignment;
PHP GET Built-in functions to get data from pages $_GET function collects values from a form sent with method = get HTML Page: Name: Age: PHP Response: Welcome. You are years old!
PHP POST Get is limited to 100 characters Not awesome Post has 8Mb maximum Awesome
PHP Post HTML Page: Name: Age: PHP Response: Welcome. You are years old!
Resources Ask Jeeves AltaVista Language Reference Your new best friend Code examples, user questions, hints
Homework Create a PHP script that outputs the current date to a page, inserted among other usual HTML elements in a full page Use one additional construct of PHP (array, loop, if/else, etc) Upload to your account on my server as a.php file by the start of next class Be creative! Databases next time (real fun starts)