Kaleidoscope Kaleidscope /k э – ‘l Ī d-э-, skōp\noun Definition : An instrument containing loose bits of colored glass between two flat plates and two plane mirrors so placed that changes of positions. Sentence : I saw pictures through a kaleidoscope.
Eclipse Eclipse \i – ‘ klips\noun Definitions : a complete or partial hiding or darkening of one celestical body by another. Sentence : Did you see a eclipse of the moon last night.
Namely Namely \ ‘ n ā m- l ē \ adverb Definition : that is to say Sentence : I’ve seen some namely animals at the zoo.
Nankeen Nankeen nan ·kin \ - ‘ kēn, - ‘ kin \ noun Definition : a durable brownish yellow cotton fabric originally woven by hand in china. Sentence : Every body from china was handing colorful cottons from china.