World Studies Bell Ringer Today marks the 12 th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. How has life changed for Americans in the past 12 years? How has your life changed since the 9/11 attacks? What do you think the future holds?
RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD World Studies September 11, 2013
Foundations of World Studies - Religions Just like geography, religion is a foundation of World Studies. We will continually talk, read, and discuss religions of the world. The purpose of studying different religions is to understand people’ s beliefs, why some conflicts have originated due to these beliefs, and the role they have played in history. In no way is one religion being taught as being better than another, nor can we address all religions in the world. This is unit is to give you a basic foundation of some of the different, major religions of the world.
Atheism Origin: Appears throughout history, including Greek, esp. after 19 th C. Enlightenment Followers:1.1. billion God(s) No God or divine being – scientific based Life’s Purpose: None Afterlife: No afterlife – Humans can only help themselves and each other to solve the world’s problems Practices: None Texts: No specific text but some authors are popular (Marx, Freud, Voltaire)
Buddhism Origin: Founded by Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha) in 520 BC in Northeast India Followers: 360 million God(s): Varies - Life’s Purpose: Purpose is to avoid suffering and gain enlightenment and release from cycle of rebirth, or at least attain a better rebirth by gaining merit Afterlife: Reincarnation until gain enlightenment Practices: Meditation Texts:
Christianity Origin: Founded by Jesus Christ in c. 30 AD, Israel Followers:2 billion God(s) One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Life’s Purpose: Salvation is through faith in Christ and sacraments and good works Afterlife: Eternal heaven or hell (or temp. purgatory) Practices: Prayer, baptism, church Texts: The Bible
Confucianism Origin: Founded by Confucius c BC, China Followers:5-6 Million God(s) Not addressed Life’s Purpose: Fulfill one’s role in society, with propriety, honor, and loyalty Afterlife: Not addressed Practices: Honesty, politeness, propriety, humaneness, perform correct role in society, loyalty to family, nation Texts: Analects
Hinduism Origin: Indigenous religion of India Followers: 900 Million God(s): One Supreme Reality (Brahman) manifested in many gods and goddesses Life’s Purpose: Humans are in bondage to ignorance and illusion, but able to escape – Gain release from rebirth, or at least a better rebirth Afterlife: Reincarnation until gain enlightenment Practices: Yoga, meditation, worship, pilgrimage to holy city, live to one’s dharma (purpose/role) Texts:
Islam Origin: Muhammad, 622 AD, Saudi Arabia Followers: 1.3 Million God(s): One God - Allah Life’s Purpose: Humans must submit to the will of God to gain Paradise after death. Five Pillars: Affirmation of the belief in Allah and Muhammad as his prophet Group prayer Tithing (giving money to charity) Fasting during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) once in a lifetime if able Afterlife: Paradise or Hell Practices: Five Pillars: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Pilgrimage, Fasting – Mosque on Fridays, No Alcohol or pork, celebrate Ramadan Texts: Qur’an
Judaism Origin: Religion of the Hebrews, c BC Followers: 14 Million God(s): One God - Yahweh Life’s Purpose: Obey God’s commandments, live ethically. Focus on this life, not next Afterlife: Not emphasized - Practices: Circumcision at birth, bar/bat mitzvah at adulthood, synagogue services on Saturdays, no pork or other non-kosher foods Texts: Torah (five books of Moses) and Hebrew Bible
Mormonism Origin: Joseph Smith – 1830, New York Followers: 12.2 Million God(s): God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost (three separate beings) Life’s Purpose: Humans existed as spirits before this life, salvation is returning to God by having faith in Christ, good works Afterlife: All return to spirit world for a period of instruction before resurrection – to heaven with God and family – hell for those who reject God Practices: Abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea, baptism for the dead, eternal marriage Texts: Christian Bible, Book of Mormon
Sikhism Origin: Founded in 16 th Century by Guru Nanak. Punjab district of India Followers: 20 million God(s): One God, who spoke with Guru Nanak Life’s Purpose: Overcome the self, align life with will of God, and become a "saint soldier," fighting for good The way to lead a good life is to: keep God in heart and mind at all times live honestly and work hard treat everyone equally be generous to the less fortunate serve others Afterlife: Reincarnation until resolve karma and merge with God. Practices: Wearing of a turban and the Five Ks. Sikhs also pray regularly and meditate by repeating God's name, often with the aid of rosary beads. Texts: Adi Granth
Homework – Create a World Religion Concept Map (Example below) World Religions