Take out yesterday’s paper (Do I Have a Right?) Log onto: Click on: New Game Turn off your monitor We are going to do a quick review before we play today’s game Midterm (1/21)
1) What are AMENDMENTS? 2) Are AMENDMENTS in the 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd section of the U.S. Constitution? 3) There are 27 Amendments total. What is the name given to the FIRST TEN AMENDMENTS? 4) What are some of the individual rights protected by Amendments to the Constitution? 5) What can people do if they believe the government is violating a constitutional right?
Do I Have A Right? You just finished playing Do I Have A Right? What did you learn?
A) To beat the other law firms by scoring more prestige points and buying furniture B) To hire as many lawyers as possible so that they would all have jobs C) To make the coolest looking law firm around D) To protect the rights of citizens using amendments to the U.S. Constitution
Let’s read through some clients’ stories and match them with the correct amendment…
The police arrested me for drawing a cartoon depicting my town's mayor as an evil wizard. Do I have a right? 1 Freedom of Expression 6 Right to a Fair Jury OR
The police in my town only protect people with curly hair. People with straight hair don't get protection. Is that constitutional? No Cruel or Unusual Punishment Equality Under Law OR 14 8
My town passed a law saying that Asian-American people could not vote in town-wide elections. Is that constitutional?15 OR Vote Regardless of Race Vote at 18 26
I am 19 years old and went to vote today, but the election official told me I was not allowed to. They apparently just decided that you have to be 20 to vote. Do I have a right to vote? Vote at Age of 18 OR No Double Jeopardy 26 5
I was found guilty of littering. The judge was really mad and decided that I had to wear a garbage can over my head for the rest of my life. Does that violate my constitutional rights? No Cruel or Unusual Punishment 8 OR 5 Keep Private Property
Here comes a tricky one….
My town's government passed a law saying that no one can go to church. Do I have a right to attend church?11 Freedom of Expression Freedom of Religion OR Freedom of expression AND freedom of religion are BOTH protected by the 1 st Amendment.
GREAT JOB! Now, let’s kick it up a notch… Match each right with the correct amendment number!
First Amendment OR Fifth Amendment1 5 The Fifth Amendment is no double jeopardy and private property!
Second Amendment OR Sixth Amendment 6 2 The Second Amendment is owning ordinary weapons!
Twenty-sixth Amendment OR Thirteenth Amendment The 26 th Amendment is voting at the age of 18!
Second Amendment OR Fourth Amendment2 4 The Fourth Amendment is no unreasonable searches!
Fourth Amendment OR Eighth Amendment 4 8 The 8 th Amendment is no cruel or unusual punishment!
Third Amendment OR Fifth Amendment 5 3 The Third Amendment is not housing soldiers!
You’re a pro!! Thanks for helping us with our cases… Have you ever thought about opening a law firm?