Or Where do I begin?
Review the key Features from the Mind map last week Read the handout on Essay Writing Now work in pairs Mind map an outline for the following essay title: Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking. Step 1 Share your ideas about the key advantages and disadvantages Step 2 Find a related article to use in your discussion
Writing the Introduction Summarise the main direction of your essay E.g. The purpose of this essay is to Keep to the point Only mention things you will explore in later paragraphs Include what you understand the title to mean Include definitions of key terms List main points you will discuss later Don’t just repeat the question or give a conclusion at this stage
Understanding the Question In this case you were asked to “Discuss” Explain the meaning Make a logical case for your argument You may have been asked the following: Compare - Investigate similarities between things Contrast – Explore the differences between things See the list in the handout on Essay writing for more key words
The Main Part of the Essay Use paragraphs Use each paragraph to make one point Or an aspect of a point Start a paragraph by stating it’s purpose What point do you want to make? Follow the opening with evidence Either you own ideas or those taken from a book, article Remember to cite other people’s ideas correctly Make a link between paragraphs Avoid Jumping from point to point Making paragraphs too long Making points without giving evidence
The Conclusion Return to the question Do not introduce new points/ideas Go over the main points Pick out the key ones Keep it short To the point Make sure you have answered the question! Don’t forget to include your references.