Mind Mapping
Tutorial Session Aims: To develop knowledge of Mind Maps as a revision tool in preparation for the exams.
Mind Maps This a simple method that can help you develop your understanding of notes and ideas It is a method of putting ideas and linking information onto paper using colours, text and pictures.
Do they really work ? Just writing notes on lined paper for revision is boring and can lead to you forgetting the key points Your mind remembers key words and images, not full sentences. Mind Maps are easy for quick reviews and quick review means information stays in your head for longer
Do they really work ? By just putting down key ideas in different areas of the page the neurons in your brain are activated more and this helps you remember more and link ideas. You will also use both the left and right side of the brain which will make your learning more active
Mind Mapping – The Rules 1.You must start in the middle of the page. 2.Use words symbols and images, not sentences 3.Select key words and print them when you write 4.Each word or image must sit on it’s own line
5. Make the line the same length as the word that is on it. 6. Use at least three different colours (you may want to group ideas together using colours) How well does the following example follow the rules ……..
Task You now have 10 minutes to complete a mind map to It must show you can use all 6 rules. You shouldn't be struggling for ideas at this stage of term but if you are you could do one about: A particular subject topic that you have information on today What mind-maps are and how they work