*United States estimate based on Q monthly average. For all of the most current estimates of U.S. cross-platform video consumption, please refer to Nielsen’s U.S. Three Screen Report. **China estimate for directional use only, based on China 3 Screen Shanghai Pilot, April Source: The Nielsen Company, Global Television Audience Measurement. Minimum reporting age is 4; except in Indonesia, New Zealand, Turkey (5); in Sweden (3); in Philippines and United States (2) and in Australia, Cyprus, Dominican Republic and Italy (0). Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Average Daily Time Spent Viewing Television by Person Across Measured Markets Serbians watch the most TV per day
Source: Global TGI network, coordinated byKantar Number of TVs Per Household in Selected Countries Spain, United Kingdom, USA, Chile, Columbia, Venezuela and Mexico have the greatest number of TVs Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Country Country Country Germany UAE Argentina Spain Kenya Brazil France South Africa Chile United Kingdom Japan Columbia Italy India Ecuador Egypt ChinaN/A.185Peru Kuwait CanadaN/A1.892Venezuela Lebanon USA Mexico
Notes: n=27,665 online consumers, ages 15+; Indexed to all respondents, globally. Source: The Nielsen Co., Global Online Survey, March 2010 Index of HDTV Ownership by Region Index = 100. Both North America and Europe over-index for HDTV ownership Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world
Notes: This table includes figures from countries and territories for which WAN had at least one year of data on number of titles or circulation of paid or free dailies. *WAN estimated some figures for countries and territories that do not have a complete set of data for all five years. Source: World Association of Newspapers Total Number of Newspaper Titles (Paid and Free), By region. Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world No. of Dailies 4 YR % Change 1 YR % Change Region (No. of Territories*) (2009/05)(2009/08) Africa (48) North America (27)2,1402,1432,1342,1282, South America (13)1,1121,1211,1571,2931, Asia (48)5,1965,5135,9286,0806, Australia & Oceania (13) Europe (47)2,3892,4972,5192,5042, Total (196)11,33011,78812,27812,56512, ,241 newspaper titles in Asia, a region where the number of dailies is still growing
Circulation of Dailies, Total average circulation, in thousands Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Notes: This table includes figures from countries and territories for which WAN had at least one year of data on number of titles or circulation of paid or free dailies. *WAN estimated some figures for countries and territories that do not have a complete set of data for all five years. Source: World Association of Newspapers Circulation of Dailies 4 YR % Change 1 YR % Change Region (No. of Territories*) (2009/05)(2009/08) Africa (46)9,26710,06810,75511,68112, North America (26)71,18670,71669,71066,94264, South America (12)14,12814,77515,67016,27715, Asia (48)305,791321,513340,562345,884348, Australia & Oceania (13)3,6753,7353,7793,6703, Europe (47)109,922117,521119,457118,264108, Total (192)513,969538,328559,933562,718553, % North American circulation is declining, but Europe’s rate of decline is greater
Average Circulation Per Title, Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world By region, in thousands Notes: This table includes figures from countries and territories for which WAN has information on both number of titles and circulation for both paid and free dailies. *WAN estimated some figures for countries and territories that do not have a complete set of data for all five years. Source: World Association of Newspapers Circulation Per Title 4 YR % Change 1 YR % Change Region (No. of Territories*) (2009/05)(2009/08) Africa (46) North America (26) South America (12) Asia (48) Australia & Oceania (13) Europe (46) Total (191) In Africa, daily newspapers are increasing their circulation
Source: Paul Budde Communication, 2010 Total worldwide broadband penetration, Approximate broadband subscribers, in millions Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world 20% 19% 20% 29% 36% Annual change 2010 At year’s end, broadband subscribers will number over 500M and account for 35% of all internet connections
Total Number of Broadband Households by Region, 2009 Broadband subscriber households, in millions. Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Market share Western Europe has the highest percentage of broadband households globally 25% 23% 22% 15% 6.5% 5.5% 3% Source: Paul Budde Communication, 2010
Note: Figures are rounded. Broadband is defined as a service with minimum speed of 144Kb/s. Figures are based on self reporting by carriers. Source: Paul Budde Communication, 2010 Top ten countries by number of broadband subscribers, Subscribers, in millions Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world 24% Increase in broadband subscribers in China, where the average user spends 2.7 hours a day online Q Q1 2009
Notes: Statistics for Turkey are included in the Middle East. North America includes USA and Canada, but excludes Mexico, which is included in Latin America. Mobile subscribers by region, Subscribers, in millions Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world North America Western Europe Eastern Europe Asia Pacific ,0601,3391,7002,050 Latin America Other ————— Middle East—————— Africa—————— World Total ,1131,3551,6752,1742,7503,3434,0124, B China, India and Indonesia are markets with high numbers of mobile users
Source: Gartner, Feb Worldwide Smartphone Sales by Operating System, By units and market share (%) Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Company UnitsMarket shareUnitsMarket share Symbian80, %72, % Research in Motion34, %23, % iPhone OS24, %11, % Microsoft Windows15,0278.7%16, % Linux8, %10, % Android6, % % WebOS1, %NA OtherOS1, %4, % Total172, %139, % NOKIA A majority of smartphones still use its Symbian operating system
Percentages not total 100% because of rounding. Note: As of Q3 2010, the data in this forecast is currently being updated. Source: Forrester Tablet sales forecast and computing mix U.S., Share of U.S. consumer PC sales by form factor Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world 23% Projected sales of tablets, expected to pass desktop PC sales DESKTOP NOTEBOOKNETBOOKTABLET
Mobile Phone Video Penetration by Region, 2010 Index = 100. Emerging markets over-index for mobile video Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Notes: n=27,665 online consumers, ages 15+; Indexed to all respondents, globally. Source: The Nielsen Co., Global Online Survey, March 2010
Note: Petabyte = one million gigabytes. *CAGR = compound annual growth rate. Source: Cicso Global Internet Traffic Growth Forecast, Consumer internet traffic, petabytes per month Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world BY GEOGRAPHY CAGR* North America2,2793,3515,0156,4958,0969,65233% Western Europe2,2773,1794,5386,3618,54111,14337% Asia Pacific3,2514,4165,9617,94410,47513,85634% Japan ,0621,4571,8572,28637% Latin America ,1321,7272,72656% Central Eastern Europe ,3361,89344% Middle East and Africa % BY SUB-SEGMENT File sharing4,0915,0756,1977,4929,12511,34023% Internet video2,7764,7257,71811,02614,83819,46848% Internet video to TV ,5022,6864,075107% Web/data1,6882,2733,0063,9304,9336,13429% Video calling % Online gaming % VoIP % Total Consumer internet traffic8,93012,68418,09224,54632,36142,07036% Asia Will be responsible for the biggest slice of internet traffic by 2014 Video Internet traffic will increase mainly as demand for video grows