Welcoming Training Days Logo Homepage Communication
Between the 1 st and 2 nd meeting: - Training Days take place in each school: 2-3 days - pupils get to know at least 6 methods which they can apply in their everyday school life - each school presents the Training Days at school events 2 nd meeting in London: - feedback and evaluation of the Training Days - exchanging posters and other resources developed by the pupils (power point, pictures, film, posters) - planning of Project Days on a specific topic
LOGO – bring the 2 best ideas Bring photos + products of TD > short presentation > short evaluation/description of TD Introduce 1-2 NEW methods YOU used > short presentation Energy, ideas and a big ☺
Presentation Products New method/s
2nd grade – 4 classes – 72 students All teachers of 2nd grade involved Topic: Learning games for all subjects Analysing board games and learning games Creating learning games for favourite subject in groups Presentation and playing the games
Reaction of students/colleagues Contribution of students/colleagues Problems > What kind? Evaluation of methods Training Days - a success?
Light bulb: (handout) - 3 things that were new to me - The most interesting thing was… - 4 terms I still don‘t understand
a) Before getting started: 3 > Things I know/that come to my mind 2 > Things I assume/ I could learn today 1 > Questions/ Things I want to know b) Phase out: 3 > Things I‘ve learned/ that were important 2 > Things that were new/ I want to learn more about 1 > Questions/ Things I still don‘t understand
Have a look and vote for our SMILE-Logo!
Website Communication Project Days ◦ Topic? ◦ Aims? ◦ „Aftermath“? Questionnaire Spain - homework
How could we get it started as soon as possible? yes What does Website Group (TR+NO) need? photos -.jpeg, video – mp4/mpeg texts – pdf PowerP – ppt (download) Which inputs, contents, topics? Integrate Logo?
Sticking to deadlines + contact + Etwinning ◦ Registration √ ◦ Chatroom - ◦ Communication in forum ~ >Please check regularly! Good communication in working groups is essential to avoid frustration! Keep in touch!
Topic - suitable for younger+older learners! >placemat method > WATER After the 2nd meeting in each school the Project Days take place. The pupils work on an agreed topic for 2-4 days using the newly acquired skills, e.g. mind-map, poster, power point, internet research, placemat, double circle etc.
Aims? Outcome? Note down pros/cons and problems (evaluation) Use feedback sheet (Austria) Each school – 5 questions for questionnaire (useful? practicalness? applicability? How often? …)
Presentation of pupil's project work using new learning-to-learn techniques Evaluation of Project Days: Water (pros/cons, problems etc.) Creating a questionnaire: How do students and staff apply the newly acquired learning techniques in their learning and teaching?
By end of Feb.: Arrival dates and no. of students Few lines+photos about our schools
Possible date for meeting in Turkey Project Days – WATER Questions for questionnaire Presentation of Project Days Some products Pro/cons of Project Days
(Charis Michalakopoulou/Greece) (Juan Antonio Garrido Castro / Spain) (Jose R. Lopez/Spain) (Norway) (Airi Lessuk Aakra, Norway) (Inmaculada Morato González) Brigitta Imre Tanja Hofer/Austria
Thank you all! Have fun and enjoy! And don‘t forget to ☺!