Transforming The Gambia to a “Silicon Valley of Africa”
OUTLINE Demographics ICT Infrastructure Human Resources Legal and Regulatory Framework Programs/Projects/Initiatives for ICT Development Factors that limit the access to ICT Towards a Technology Literate Society
Demographics GENERAL INFORMATION: Total population million (2003 census) million (2010 projection) Urban population 684,158 Rural population 676,523 Local Government Areas Banjul, Kanifing, Brikama, Mansakonko, Kerewan, Kuntaur, Janjangbureh and Basse Total land area 11,632 square kilometers Leading sector Agriculture Percentage of the population with access to electricity Urban % Rural %
ICT Infrastructure Country code top level domain (ccTLD) Government web portal site or Inception of the internet in The Gambia Fixed Line Provider Gambia Telecommunication Company (GAMTEL) Fixed Line Subscribers 2006 = 53, = 50, = 48, = Telephone penetration rate 21.6% in 2006, 54% in 2007, 76% 2008 Telephone Subscriber Mobile GSM operators and approx. number of subscribers 2007 = 8418, = 1,215,004 1,166,136 GSM Mobile & 48,886 Fixed line by 2008 As at 2009 the GSM Subscribers are as follows: Africell – 636,000 Comium – 145,000 Gamcel - 318,960 Qcell – 200,000* International bandwidth In-bound - Out-bound - 86 MB * Internet Subscribers 2005 = 2, = 1, = 4, = 2, = 2,858
ICT Infrastructure Internet Service Providers and number of subscribers Gamtel QuantumNet/Qcell Netpage Lanix Limited Connexion Solution Unique Solutions Type of Internet Access ADSL, leased line, Wireless (CDMA, 3G and Broadband) Estimated percentage of the population with computer Urban % Rural % Estimated percentage of the population with access to internet Urban % Rural % Number of internet cafes - ??? Cost of Internet Access (average) D200 – D1000 equivalent to 8 US $ - $30 per month for unlimited access and less than 50 cents per hour for phone/dial up time
ICT Infrastructure Number of TV Stations - One (1) - GRTS Satellite and Cable TV providers : DSTv/Premium Network, GamTV. Number of Operational Radio Stations : FM radio stations - 10 Community radio stations - 3 Number of newspaper – 8? Household with Electricity Banjul & Kanifing % Brikama Urban & Kombo North % Other Urban % Other Rural % Number of Gambian websites - ??? Government - 50 (estimate) Private Companies - ??? NGOs - ??? Others - ???
HUMAN RESOURCES National literacy rate - 75% Number of University One (1) - University of The Gambia Computer to Student Ratio Middle/Upper Basic Schools – 1 : 110 Senior Secondary Schools – 1 : 29 Tertiary/Higher Education – 1 : 10 Percent of ICT Qualified Teachers Lower Basic School - 2.4% Middle/Upper Basic Schools - 4.2% Senior Secondary Schools % Vocational/technical % Tertiary/Higher Education % ICT Training Institutions Currently there are 33* ICT Training Institutions in the Gambia
Legal and Regulatory Framework The Gambia Public Utilities Regulatory Authority Act, 2001 Gambia Radio and Television Services Corporation Act, 2004 Wireless & Telegraphic (transmission, licensing & control) Regulation of the Telegraphic Station Act, 1994 Information and Communication Act, 2008
Programs/Projects/Initiatives for ICT Development E-Government Strategy implementation National E-Government Task Force Government Web Portal Inter-Governmental Connectivity Regional ICT Centers - Proposed NICI Implementation Plan (ICT4D 2012 Plan) E-Education E-Health
Factors that limit the access to ICT Low level of education/low literacy Low skilled workforce Technology-challenged society Lack of awareness Low affordability Gender issues Wide digital divide Lack of Electric Power
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