The ABC of investigative journalism Nils Hanson,Swedish Television
What we want to achieve Reaction among general public Impact on other media Solution to the problem
Steps to reach the goal A. Adopting tough challenges B. Proving the wrong-doing C. Investigating yourself
A. Adopting tough challenges
Very important Easy Difficult Less important Source: IRE Journal
Sentenced 8 years
Wrongly convicted
Very important Easy Difficult Less important YesRisky TemptingNo Source: IRE Journal
Starting point It is not like it is said to be
Getting on the track Think like a corrupt person Thanks to Ulla Danne´
The key question What opportunities exist to profit from the system?
Investigating systems How is it supposed to work - according to the rules? How does it work – in reality?
Where to investigate? Which problem is the biggest? Which problem is the most neglected? Which problem is the most upsetting?
Examining the idea
Checklist for the idea Title Summary Previously published Minimum Maximum Timetable
The minimum Good enough to publish
The maximum What you hope to achieve but can not promise
Reach minimum Identify key facts Begin with the least complicated Secure a ”secret”
Case: Wrongly convicted Daughter´s school
Case: Wrongly convicted Daughter´s school Daughter´s friends Daddy´s work Stated scenes of the crime
The most important question What is the weak link?
Hypothesis Assumption becomes conviction Thesis
Avoid tunnel-vision Seek other explanations Listen to the sceptical Examine the expert Question the victim
Questions to the victim - Your own responsibility? - Could you have done more yourself? - Can you prove your allegations? - Do you have anything to hide?
A common mistake Wait too long with the key interview
Advantage confrontating early Avoids unpleasant surprises Givs time to examine the explanation Easier to get the lie on record
B. Proving the wrongdoing
Work out the method Learn how the system works
Routines Processes Key players Transparency Weaknesses... and so on
Get the documents you need - even the classified
Convince the official - step 1 Meeting without pressure No interview Just want to know how it works Help with checking facts
Convince the offical – step 2 Involve in the project References Letter of recommendation Examples of your work Agreement
The officials´ reaction 1. ”The reporter is serious” 2. ”This is important” 3. ”I want to help!”
The risky method Using anonymous sources
Check the source The position of the source? Can the information be confirmed? Is it credible? Does it fit in with the pattern? Background of the source? The motive? Pass the”lie detector”?
Be careful with the phone Don´t send (unless encrypted) Use alias Meet at safe places Discuss how facts can be used Protect the source
C. Investigating yourself
Keep a diary Telephone calls Interviews Promises Meetings Ordering public documents Problems Ideas
Line by line-editing Is all the factual information correct? Are all the conclusions well founded Is there any essential information missing? Have the criticised had a chance to reply to all serious criticism?
Line-by-lining Mark all facts All correct? Verification through documents Names, figures, quotes…
Line-by-lining And not the least: Are all conclusions well founded?
The subject Identify all criticizm Informed about all allegations? Response to all?
Delicate questions Relevant information missing? Would other facts change the general picture? Reason to hide the selection of facts? Can the selection be criticized?
Beware of temptations Making too much of the little that is new Selecting facts to produce ”the right conclusion” Scraping together everything there is
Be patient - have luck
D. Demand accountability
The key interview Insist on a meeting Be careful with reservations Start with checking the facts Identify the key questions Be prepared for ”message track” Don´t forget any allegation
The subject refuses Inform about manuscript Get answers elsewhere Hidden recording Make an ambush
Making breaking news Portion the story ”Plant” the story Send press releases Initiate reactions Plan follow-ups
The advanced method Stage a fake situation
Hidden camera Major public interest Only one possible method Supplementary material from open sources Explanation from the target