Religion and Equality key word quiz Read through all the key words and their definitions. When you think you are ready take the quiz. You need to get 9 if you want to achieve a good grade in this subject.
Here are all the key words and their definitions Atonement: The act of God and Humans becoming one again after the sacrifice of Jesus Crucifixion: The death of Jesus on the cross after God had forgiven humans Ecumenism: Different Christian denominations working together. Equality: Everyone being treated the same. Eucharist: The Christian ceremony commemorating the last supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. Evangelism: The idea that Christians should go out and convert people. Forgiveness: Moving on with someone for something they have done wrong Proselytising: Trying to convert people from their religion to yours. Reconciliation: Restoring friendly relations.
1. Eucharist2. Forgiveness3. Reconciliation 4. Ecumenism5. Evangelism6. Proselytising 7. Equality8. Atonement9. Crucifixion