The structure of an Atom


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Presentation transcript:

The structure of an Atom The basic parts of an atom includes; Neutrons Protons Electrons (mass is negligible). 99% of the total mass of an atom is found within the nucleus, the core, of the atom

The structure of an atom Sketch a picture of the atom on your foldable

The Parts of An Atom Nucleus: The positively charged center of an atom that contains protons (+) and neutrons (0). 99% of the total mass of an atom is found in the nucleus. Protons: A positively(+) charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Neutrons: A neutral (0) particle found in the nucleus of an atom.

A.P.E. M.A.N. A: atomic # Equals the # of P: protons: Equals the # of E: electrons: Are All Equal Therefore; Argon has 18 protons, 18 electrons, and atomic number of 18

Number of Neutrons To calculate the number of neutrons that an atom of an element has subtract the atomic number (smaller number) from the atomic mass or atomic weight (larger number).

M.A.N. (Mass #) – (Atomic #) = (# of Neutrons)

Warm Up What are groups on the periodic table? In what direction do they run What are periods on the periodic table? In what direction do they run

Determine the following; Quiz 18 Ar 39.948 Determine the following; # of Protons # of Neutrons # of Electrons Element Name

Energy Levels/Orbitals An electron orbital is a region in an atom, outside of the nucleus, where there is a high probability of finding electrons.

Warm Up What is the formula for e- distribution? What is the maximum number of e-’s that can be held in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th orbital hold?

Electron Distribution The electrons are distributed to electron orbitals starting with the most inner orbital 1st. Each orbital can only take a certain number of electrons. After the orbital has received its’ capacity start filling the next orbital. The electron distribution formula is 2n2. N is the given orbital

Electron Energy The closer the electron is to the nucleus the less energy it has. The further the electron is from the nucleus the more energy it has. The most outer shell is referred to as the valence shell.

Warm Up An element has a nucleus that contains 9 protons, 10 neutrons, and 9 electrons. This is an atom of ? An element has a nucleus that contains 12 protons, 12 neutrons, and 12 electrons. This is an atom of? Locate and review your colored periodic table (it was homework)

Warm Up An element has a nucleus that contains 9 protons, 10 neutrons, and 9 electrons. This is an atom of ? An element has a nucleus that contains 12 protons, 12 neutrons, and 12 electrons. This is an atom of? Locate and review your colored periodic table (it was homework)

Warm Up: Complete the chart Element Atomic # Mass # # Protons Neutrons Electrons Symbol 10 7

VENN DIAGRAMS Due Today ! Create a VENN diagram that lists at least three things that are unique and three things that are common for each of the following: Groups vs. Periods (think about atomic structure) Valence Shell e-s vs. Inner Shell e-s (see notes and textbook) Group 1A Elements Reactivity vs. Group 8A Reactivity (see notes) Anions vs. Cations (see notes and textbook)

Family Quiz Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Halogens Noble Gases Directions: Match the given groups with their proper family Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Halogens Noble Gases 7A 2A 8A 1A

Answers Groups are the vertical columns of the periodic table. Groups run up and down. There are groups with A coding and Groups with B coding Periods are the horizontal rows found on the periodic table. Periods run left to right. There are 7 periods.

Warm Up Draw Atom Draw atoms for the elements with atomic numbers (3,11)(6,14)(9,17) (10 and 18). (Be sure to place the neutrons, electrons, and protons) Questions What is the relationship between the valence shell electrons and the group? What is the relationship between the period and the number of orbitals? What happens to the size of the atom as you go down a group?

The Period and the e- orbital The number of orbitals that a neutral atom of a given element has is equal to the period in which the element is located.

Isotope An isotope is a atom of a given element that has a different number of neutrons

Mole A mole is a quantity much like a dozen is a quantity. One mole has 6.02 x 10 23 atoms in it. 6.02 x 10 23 is known as Avagodro’s Number

Groups and Valence Shell e-’s The number of electrons found in the most outer shell, the valence shell, is equal to the group in which the element is found.

Periodic Table Warm-Up Draw a Bohr model of an atom for an element from each of the 7 groups. Be sure that the element has an atomic mass of 1-20

The Periodic Table The periodic table has 18 groups if you where to count from the left to the right and include all possible groups. If you were to exclude the transition metals there are 8 groups that are typically numbered using roman numerals and the letter a

Homework: Color code the following groups on your periodic table. Group Family 1A Alkali Metals 2A Alkaline Earth Metals 3B-2B (d-Block) Transition Elements 3A … Metalloids 7A Halogens 8A Noble Gases

(Atomic Structure and Reactivity) Class Assignment Use a Venn Diagram to differentiate at least three of the following; Group 1A Elements vs. Group 8A Elements (Atomic Structure and Reactivity) Groups vs. Period and Atomic Structure

Warm Up Identify the given elements: The element located in period 3 and group 4 The element located in period 2 and in the Halogen family The element located in period 2 and the Noble Gas family

The Octet Rule The octet rule says that atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons so as to have eight electrons in their outer electron shell. All atoms want to have a complete outer shell.

Warm Up Draw a Bohr Model of an atom for an element with the atomic number (1-20) found in group 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, and 8A

Ionization Ionization is the process of an atom gaining or losing outer shell electrons in an attempt to satisfy the octet rule

Ionization Ionization is the process of an atom gaining or losing electrons from its’ valence shell. If an atom gains electrons in its valence shell the atom becomes an anion and carries an overall negative charge. If an atom loses electrons from its outer shell it becomes a cation and carries an overall positive charge.

Types of Ions Cation: Results from an atom losing electrons the resulting atom will have a (+) charge Anion: Results from an atom gaining electrons the resulting atom will have a (-)charge

Ionization State To determine the oxidation number for a given atom of a element follow the listed rules For groups 1A-4A their oxidation numbers are the same as their group numbers For groups 5A-8A subtract 8 from the group number. (see board for example).