Events Leading to the Civil War Chapter 15
What do we do with it now that we have it? After the Mexican-American War America was forced to answer the question: –Will it be a slave state or a free state?
Missouri Compromise free states / 11 slave states Missouri wanted to enter the union as a slave state –Upset the balance in the Senate to favor the South
Missouri Compromise-1819
Missouri Compromise Proposed by Henry Clay Missouri > Slave State Maine > Free State Slavery would be prohibited north of 36˚ 30’ Reduced tensions and postponed war
Some wanted to ban slavery in the new territories –Wilmot Proviso (1846) “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of [the] territory. Did not pass the Senate –South was more powerful at that time Lead to the Free-Soil Party (1848)
Some said the people should decide if slavery will be allowed in the area in which they live. –POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY
Compromise of California would enter union as a free state. 2. Popular Sovereignty would determine the issue of slavery in the Mexican Cession. 3. Texas would give up land east of Rio Grande. Gov’t would pay Texan debts. 4. Slave trade banned in Washington, DC. 5. More effective Fugitive Slave Law. Favored
Compromise of 1850 North 1. California would enter union as a free state. 2. Popular Sovereignty would determine the issue of slavery in the Mexican Cession. 3. Texas would give up land east of Rio Grande. Gov’t would pay Texan debts. 4. Slave trade banned in Washington, DC. 5. More effective Fugitive Slave Law. Favored
Compromise of 1850 North 1. California would enter union as a free state. South 2. Popular Sovereignty would determine the issue of slavery in the Mexican Cession. 3. Texas would give up land east of Rio Grande. Gov’t would pay Texan debts. 4. Slave trade banned in Washington, DC. 5. More effective Fugitive Slave Law. Favored
Compromise of 1850 North 1. California would enter union as a free state. South 2. Popular Sovereignty would determine the issue of slavery in the Mexican Cession. Both 3. Texas would give up land east of Rio Grande. Gov’t would pay Texan debts. 4. Slave trade banned in Washington, DC. 5. More effective Fugitive Slave Law. Favored
Compromise of 1850 North 1. California would enter union as a free state. South 2. Popular Sovereignty would determine the issue of slavery in the Mexican Cession. Both 3. Texas would give up land east of Rio Grande. Gov’t would pay Texan debts. North4. Slave trade banned in Washington, DC. 5. More effective Fugitive Slave Law. Favored
Compromise of 1850 North 1. California would enter union as a free state. South 2. Popular Sovereignty would determine the issue of slavery in the Mexican Cession. Both 3. Texas would give up land east of Rio Grande. Gov’t would pay Texan debts. North4. Slave trade banned in Washington, DC. South5. More effective Fugitive Slave Law. Favored
Fugitive Slave Law September 1850 Made it a crime to help slaves runaway Allowed officials to arrest runaway slaves in free states. –Not allowed to testify for themselves –No trial by jury –Commissioners got paid more if they returned slaves to their owners.
Those helping runaways had to become more clever. Codes –Spirituals Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Amazing Grace –Alexander Ross –Quilts
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe Sold 300,000 copies in 1 st year in the US alone Educated the world about the horrors of slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act Came as a result of wanting to settle the Great Plains –Railroad Proposed by Stephen A Douglas
Kansas-Nebraska Act Divide the rest of Louisiana Purchase into Nebraska and Kansas.
Nebraska-Kansas Act Popular Sovereignty –People poured into Kansas to cast votes 6000 votes 1600 residents
Bleeding Kansas 1856 Violence erupts –2 governments form Anti-slavery vs. Pro-slavery 800 Pro-slavery men rode to Lawrence to arrest Anti-slavery leaders –All heck breaks loose
John Brown “Fight fire with fire” “Strike terror in the hearts of pro-slavery people.” May 24, 1856 –Pottawatomie Creek Massacre –Killed 5 Pro-slavery men
Dred Scott Slave of a Army doctor Moved from Missouri to Illinois to Wisconsin to N. Minnesota Sued for freedom –Should’ve been freed when his master moved to free land
Dred Scott Decision Chief Justice Taney Could not sue –Not citizen Missouri Compromise unconstitutional –Interfered with 5th Amendment –the right to own property
Republican Party Formed 1854 A political party united against the spread of slavery in the West Will eventually choose Abraham Lincoln as their party’s candidate for the Presidency
Lincoln-Douglas Debate 1858 Campaigning for the Senate seat of Illinois 7 debates throughout Illinois Lincoln made his political debut
Lincoln 6’ 4” Lanky Country lawyer Former US Representative Platform: Stopping the spread of slavery
Douglas 5’ 4” Powerful voice and personality Nicknamed “The Little Giant” Believed in popular sovereignty
John Brown’s Raid -Oct.1859 Harper’s Ferry, Virginia 21 followers Planned to attack an arsenal Wanted to arm slaves and lead an armed revolt
John Brown’s Raid Robert E Lee captured Brown Convicted of treason, conspiracy, and murder Executed Dec. 2, 1859
Election of 1860 Southerners declared if Republican’s won, they would secede. Breckinridge vs. Douglas vs. Lincoln vs. Bell
John Breckinridge Southern Democrat Could not prevent slavery from spreading State’s rights
Stephen A. Douglas Northern Democrat Popular Sovereignty
Abraham Lincoln Republican Wanted to prevent slavery from spreading
John Bell Constitutional Union Party Wanted to preserve the unity of the nation No stance on slavery
Lincoln Wins Majority of electoral votes Only 40% of popular votes.
The South Secedes