A Close Family Tree QueenVictoria of England - Grand Mother to royalty of Europe (German States, England, Denmark, Russia and more)
The Intertwining Royal Families of Europe Queen Victoria ( ) Victoria m. Frederick III (Prussia) Alice m. Louis of Hesse Edward VII 6 others 6 others Kaiser Wilhelm II Nicholas II m. Alexandra King George V Kaiser Wilhelm II Nicholas II m. Alexandra King George V
King George V Tsar Nicholas II
Background Causes Nationalism Self- Determination Pan-SlavismImperialism Economic competition
The Background Continued… MilitarismBismarck, Clausewitz & The Kaiser System of Alliances -Allies Vs. Central Powers
Kaiser Wilhelm II Reviewing the Troops
The Allied Powers (Allies) France, England, Russia (later Italy and the United States) ENGLISH SOLDIER FRENCH SOLDIER RUSSIAN OFFICER
The Central Powers Germans, Austro- Hungarians and the Ottoman Empire German Pickelhaube AUSTRIAN SOLDIER OTTOMAN SOLDIER
The Spark Gavrilo Princip and the Black Hand Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Assassination and the Arrest
Franz Ferdinand’s Funeral
The Pieces Fall into Place
The Schlieffen Plan - Anticipate French Border Defense - Anticipate French Border Defense - Anticipate Long Russian Prep Time - Anticipate Long Russian Prep Time
Schlieffen Plan Continued England, with no Landing no Landing Area, would sue for peace Area, would sue for peace France & UK gone, can now focus on Russia
Germany enters Belgium…
The Plans falls Apart The Battle of the Marne The Battle of the Marne
Taxis to the Rescue
The Plan Falls Apart, Part II German Victory at Tannenburg A Devastating Victory Pulls Germany into vacuum, ends holding maneuver "It's an honour to make such a sacrifice for our allies" - Nicholas II
Russian Prisoners at Tannenburg
The Race to the Sea & Stalemate Trench Warfare Trench Warfare
German troops make trenches
New Horrors of War The Tank At the Somme, UK Machine Guns New Battleships
French 75 Gun, 1914
More Horrors of War… U-BoatsAirplanes
And Even More Horrors!!! Poison Gas Flame Throwers Grenades
The Western Front Verdun German Offensive German OffensiveSomme UK & French UK & French
Christmas, 1914 German and British soldiers fraternizing in No Man's Land, Christmas 1914
The Eastern Front Gallipoli Russia failing Promise of the Dardanelles Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
On the Seas UK Blockade of Germany U-BoatsSussex Pledge Pledge
Russia Defeated February Revolution Nicholas II Nicholas IIabdicates October Revolution Sealed Train Sealed Train Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Total War Governments use all tools in their societies to fight: Conscription Conscription Rationing Rationing Censoring Censoring Women in business Women in business Colonies (freedom?) Colonies (freedom?)
War Crimes in Armenia Ottoman Turks fear Armenian support of Russia (Christian V Islam) The solution: men, women and children marched into the desert till dead from exposure and dehydration Million Dead
Enter the Americans Zimmermann Telegram Unrestricted Sub Warfare Lusitania April 2, 1917
The Tide Turns The US & the Convoy System Doughboys tip scales, Germans deep into their reserves… Ottomans and Austrians surrender
The End of the War Failed German Offensive Americans and Allies push Germany to its borders… Armistice 11/11 at 11 am 11/11 at 11 am in 1918 in 1918 Clemenceau, Orlando, Lloyd-George & Wilson
A New Map of Europe Versailles & The 14 Points The Big 4 The Big 4 Poland, the Poland, the Baltic States, Baltic States, Finland, Ireland, Finland, Ireland,Czechoslovakia… The League of Nations of Nations
Results of the War The numbers : 24 Million + dead 24 Million + dead (more civilians (15) than soldiers (9) !!!) 21 million+ wounded 21 million+ woundedNationalism -Sykes-Picot deal,1916 Communism German Anger US THE world power