Lesson plan on Chinese Food June 23, 2009
Planning Phase Performance-based Objectives 1.Students will be able to recognize and name seven Chinese dishes from power point. 2.Students will be able to order the 7 Chinese dishes. 3.Students will be able to use simple sentences to make comments(adj.) on these dishes.
Alignment with Standards National Standards: 5Cs State: VA SOLs Students will exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language(TL)
Assessment of Learning Pre-teaching Assessment: Students will be shown a video highlighting shopping in a Chinese restaurant. On-going/Formative Assessment: Teacher will ask the previous experiences of eating Chinese food. Post-lesson Assessment: Students will be given opportunities to practice situation conversation in pair by ordering chinese dishes in chinese restaurant and will record the flip cameras.
Material needed Computer Camera Chinese menu Flash card
Teaching Phase Lesson outline 1.Theme or Topic Warm up Activity: What do you know about Chinese food, Verbs: want, like, eat, drink Grammar: I like to have, I want, too+adj
Culture perspectives Chopstick Share all the dishes
Daily Lesson Plan Activity 1. Talking about experience in Chinese restaurant Asking favorite Chinese dishes 2. Power Point slides 3. Asking student to match the flash card from the pictures.
Presentation and Practice Students work in pair to talk about their favorite dish from the seven dishes and present to the class.
Three Modes Employed Interpersonal Activities: Asking student to match flash card from the pictures. Presentational Activities: Students will be given opportunities to practice situation conversation in pair by ordering Chinese dishes in chinese restaurant and will record the flip cameras. Interpretive Activities: Students view a video clip that demonstrates typical food shopping in Chinese. They are then asked a series of guided questions both in writing and orally to determine their views on what they’ve seen and heard.
Methods/Approaches/Strategies Used Direct method Total physical response Total physical response storytelling Student centered Teacher guided
Closure Review of this lesson Preview for next lesson
Expansion/Extension for learners
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