The Unique Value of Advertising in Local TV Broadcast News
Methodology Qualified respondents were: Adults 25+ Regular Viewers of Local Television News, i.e., those who watch at least a few times per week. To rate other media, respondents were also required to be Regular Users (watch or use twice a week or more). Respondents were drawn from 24 Hearst Television markets, as distributed below: Data was weighted (using MRI targets) by key demographic variables of local television news viewers. Interviews were conducted March 27 – April 9, 2014 -- via a 20-minute online survey. Total N=2,655 Boston N=200 Orlando Pittsburgh Sacramento Baltimore Kansas City N=100 Cincinnati Milwaukee Greenville West Palm Beach Remaining 14 Markets N=1,155
Excluded from research Defining Local TV News Viewers For the purposes of this research, viewers are defined as those watching local television news at least a few times per week. Throughout the report, all findings are based on this total sample of viewers of local television news and will be referred to as Regular Viewers or Viewers. Survey Question: And how often do you do each of the following? Watch local television news, such as (Networks inserted based on DMA) Multiple times a day Once a day A few times a week Once a week A few times a month Once a month Less than once a month Never Regular Viewers Excluded from research
Value, Importance and Influence of Local Television News
Nearly Eight in Ten Trust What They See on Local Television News; Nearly Nine in Ten Find It Time Well Spent “I would go out of my way to watch Local Television News” 61% “Watching Local Television News is an essential part of my life” 73% 74% “I enjoy telling others about what I see / hear on Local Television News” “I consider myself a loyal viewer of Local Television News” 78% UPDATED “I trust what I see / hear on Local Television News” 79% “The time I spend watching Local Television News is time well spent” 86% Q1. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to local television news Base: Regular Viewers (A Few Times A Week or More) of : Local Television News (n=2655); Strongly/Somewhat Agree
I Trust What I See / Hear On <Media> Strongly/Somewhat Agree (%) Local Television News Leads in Trustworthiness Among Viewers of All Ages I Trust What I See / Hear On <Media> Strongly/Somewhat Agree (%) UPDATED Q1/Q2/Q3. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to Base: Regular Viewers (A Few Times A Week or More) of : Local Television News (n=2655); Newspapers (n=653); Magazines (n=652); Cable News (n=651); Broadcast Network News (n=652); Radio (n=653)
Viewers Feel Local Television News is an Essential Part of the Day Watching/Using … is an Essential Part of My Life (Total % Agree) “Watching Local Television News is an Essential Part of My Life” (% Agree) 73 Q1/Q2/Q3. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to Base: Regular Viewers of Local TV News (n=2655)
Local TV News Viewers Value Its Connection to Community and Family Staying up to date on local television news helps me feel connected to my community Local television news is the most relevant type of news to me / my family DONE Q9. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to local television news. Base: Regular Viewers of Local TV News (n=2655)
The Powerful Appeal of Ads in Local Television News
Nearly Six in Ten Viewers Rely On Local Television News For Products And Services Ideas “I rely on local television news for product and service ideas that are relevant to me in my life” (% Strongly/Somewhat Agree) Younger Viewers Rely Even More Heavily 57 I rely on local television news for product and service ideas that are relevant to me in my life (Strongly/Somewhat agree) Adults 25-34 64% Adults 25-54 61% Adults 35-64 59% Adults 35+ 56% Q9. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to local television news. Base: Regular Viewers of Local TV News (n=2655)
Three Quarters of Local Television News Viewers Feel Ads On Local TV News Are Tailored to Their Community Strongly/Somewhat Agree (%) Ads that air on local television news are tailored for my community DONE Over Half P2554 Viewers Feel Ads on Local Television News are Chosen Specifically for Them Q13. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to the ads you see on local television news Base: Regular Viewers of Local TV News (n=2655)
Nearly Half of Women 25-54 Have Researched Advertisers Further After Seeing Their Ads on Local Television News “Do an Internet search for more information about the product / service” 46% “Look for reviews of the product / service” 39% UPDATED “Visit the product’s / service’s website or Facebook page” 33% Q12. Which of the following actions have you taken as a result of seeing a product or service advertised on local television news?. Base: Women 25-54 Regular Viewers of Local TV News (n=851)
Strongly/Somewhat Agree (%) Local Television News Is More Likely to Get the Conversation Started About Advertisers Than Social Media Women 25-54 Strongly/Somewhat Agree (%) I find myself talking about the products and services I see advertised on / in [media] with family and friends I find myself recommending the products and services I see advertised on / in [media] to family and friends UPDATED Q14/Q15/Q16. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to [MEDIA] Base: Women 25-54 (A Few Times A Week or More) of : Local Television News (n=851); Online Video Sites (n=248); Social Networking Sites (n=256); Search Engine Sites (n=220)
Over Half of Viewers Purchase Products and Services Advertised on Local Television News “Ads on / in Local Television News help me make purchase decisions” 49% “Ads on / in Local Television News inspire me to try new products and brands” 50% “I can trust products and services that are advertised on / in Local Television News” 52% UPDATED “I purchase products and services I see advertised on / in Local Television News” 52% This increases to 58% among Adult 25-54 News Viewers Q14. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to Local Television News Base: Regular Viewers (A Few Times A Week or More) of : Local Television News (n=2655)
Most TV news viewers in Milwaukee watch at least once per day – and most consider themselves loyal viewers. Watch local TV news at least once per day Consider themselves loyal viewers of local TV news 89% 75% Base: Regular Viewers (A Few Times A Week or More) of : Local Television News (n=2655)/Milwaukee Market Sample Size: 100 Adults 25+
Half of Milwaukee Viewers Purchase Products and Services Advertised on Local Television News “Ads on / in Local Television News help me make purchase decisions” 47% “Ads on / in Local Television News inspire me to try new products and brands” 50% “I tend to pay more attention to ads that appear in local TV news.” 50% UPDATED “Ads in Local TV news help me stay up to date on products and services available in the community.” 62% Q14. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to Local Television News Base: Regular Viewers (A Few Times A Week or More) of : Local Television News (n=2655)/Milwaukee Market Sample Size: 100 Adults 25+
Ads in Local Television News Spur Milwaukee Viewers to Action How often do you investigate further or purchase a product or service advertised on / in <media> Often / Sometimes (%) Q14/Q15/Q16. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with regard to [MEDIA] Base: Regular Viewers (A Few Times A Week or More) of : Local Television News (n=2655)/Milwaukee Market Sample Size: 100 Adults 25+
The Unique Value of Advertising in Local TV Broadcast News Summary Local Television News Viewing Environment High Degree of Trust An Unrivaled Source of Local Content Strong in Community Connection Relevant to Viewers and their Family Local Television News Advertising Environment Resource for Product and Service Ideas Fosters Community Bonds with Viewers Shows Sense of Caring Toward Viewers and their Family Prompts Viewers to Act Purchase Research Word of Mouth Recommendations