1. Drill: to appease someone means to bring about a state of peace usually by sacrificing one’s principles. List 2 times in your life that you (or someone you know) has appeased someone else. What was the result? 2. Homework: Read and outline pages 623 – 625, “The Japanese Path to War.”
ISN’T IT IRONIC? 19.1 Paths to War
World War I – A War to End All Wars? Steps to Avoid War 1. League of Nations – a general association of nations designed to keep peace among nations. 2. Kellogg-Briand Pact – renounces war. Signed by most European countries after WWI (signed in 1928) 3. Appeasement - policy used by Britain and France of giving in to an aggressor to keep the peace
Drill – explain appeasement in your own words. No new HW, make sure your outlines are awesome by tomorrow.
Hitler violates the Treaty Hitler built up army and created an air force Drafted soldiers Sent troops into the demilitarized Rhineland Later said he would have backed down if the French and British had challenged him Hitler saw that Britain and France would let him get away with anything
Hitler goes too far: 1936 – Hitler reoccupies Rhineland -- Also signs alliance with Italy and Japan 1938 – Hitler annexes Austria 1938 – Hitler invades Czechoslovakia 1939 – Hitler demands parts of Poland -- France and Britain finally get mad
Germany Invades Poland signs non-aggression pact with Soviet Union – Germany and Soviet Union promise not to attack each other. Hitler promises Stalin ½ of Poland. Dropped bombs on Warsaw - Blitzkrieg (lightning war) Poland fell to the Germans almost immediately 2 days later, France and Britain declared war on Germany
German battle- ship shelling Westerplatte in Poland Soviet troops invade Poland
The Soviets Advance Soviet troops occupy eastern Poland shortly after the German invasion Then Stalin sends Russian troops to Finland Russia won in 1940
Finnish army on skis, and Russian tank in sub- freezing temperatures
Phony War 7 months later still no fighting British and French troops lined the Maginot Line and waited for the Germans to attack Germans first invaded and conquered Denmark and Norway.
The Maginot Line
The Battle for France Distracts France and goes around the Maginot Line with different troops French ran away to the beaches of Dunkirk. 850 British ships then sailed down to rescue the French army Rescued 338,000 French soldiers!
British troops evacuating Dunkirk's beaches. Many French stood shoulder deep in water for hours, waiting to board the warships. Dunkirk-rescued French troops disembarking in England.
Fall of France June 22, France surrenders Germans control northern France southern France under control of French prime minister, Marshal Petain Petain was in charge of the French “puppet” government in Vichy, France Charles de Gaulle, fled to Britain and led the Free French Military force that fought the Nazis until France’s liberation in 1944
Pétain shaking hands with Hitler
Exit question: using facts from today’s notes, tell me whether or not – in your opinion – WWII could have been prevented.