WORLD WAR I “The Great War” 1914-1918
The Great War
Key Terms 14 Points: Woodrow Wilson’s Plan for peace after WWI Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, USA Archduke Ferdinand: Austrian assasinated in Sarajevo. Begins WWI. Armistice: peace, cease fire Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire. Lusitania: British passenger ship. Sunk by German U- Boat. Machine Gun: Industrial development in war.
Key Terms MAIN CAUSES OF WAR Polish Corridor: Land granted to Poland which gave it access to the Baltic Sea. Taken from Germany. Reparations: War Payments for damages. Treaty of Versailles: Ended WWI. Blames Germany. Trench Warfare: Western Front between Germany and France. U-Boat: Untersee Boat. German naval weapon. War Guilt Clause: Germans forced to sign this in the Treaty of Versailles. Western Front: Land between France and Germany.
MAIN Causes of WWI 1. MILITARISM: Glorification of military. Arms race led to fear & desire to use new industrial weapons.
2. Alliances Suspicions led to alliances. Germany, Austria/Hungary & Italy (Central Powers) Britain, France, Russia (Allied Powers)
3. Imperialism Competition between European countries over land & resources in Africa create tension.
4. NATIONALISM Germany/Italy extremely nationalistic. German pride for its military, people, and land. BLOOD AND IRON.
FINAL SPARK The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian radical. He wanted Bosnia to be free from Austrian Control. (nationalism) A/H declares war on Serbia and WWI begins.
MAIN CAUSES of WWI M: militarism A: alliances I: imperialism N: nationalism Final spark: The assasination of The Archduke Franz Ferdinand The War Begins
Who is to Blame?????
War Begins…
BEGINNING OF WAR CENTRAL POWERS: Germany, Austria- Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Italy (until 1915) ALLIED POWERS: Britain, France, Russia, United States (1917)
War fought on the Western Front (France & Britain vs War fought on the Western Front (France & Britain vs. Germany) and the Eastern Front (Russia vs. A/H & Germany) Western Front
The Schlieffen Plan
Propaganda starts the War
INDUSTRY CHANGES WAR Machine Gun, Mustard Gas, Tank, U-Boat, Plane
Poison Gas (Mustard Gas)
Trench Warfare “No-Man’s Land” Trench Wafare, “All Quiet on the Western Front”
Trench Foot
WWI in the air…
Red Baron over 80 enemy shot down
TOTAL WAR: all resources go into war effort. Draft, taxes, rations TOTAL WAR: all resources go into war effort. Draft, taxes, rations. ALL PEOPLE AFFECTED BY WAR. (social effect) War continues for 4 years. Little advances from either side. Trench Warfare stalls war.
Dulce et Decorum Est, Pro Patria Mori
. In Flanders Fields By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
Human element of War Dulce et Decorum Est The Man He Killed Pipes of Peace Belleau Wood
MAJOR TURNING POINTS OF WWI 1. Sinking of Lusitania (US ENTERS) 2. Battle of Somme 3. Zimmerman Telegram 4. Russia leaves war to fight Revolution.
The Zimmerman Telegram
11 a.m., November 11, 1918
World War I Casualties
Effects OF WAR 8.5 million killed, 17 million wounded Famine. Farms, homes, cities destroyed. Huge War Debts to pay…who will pay? Armistice—11/11/18 All Quiet on the Western Front Belleau Wood
France, Britain want revenge. War Guilt Clause. Full Reparations. Treaty of Versailles Punish Germany for WWI France, Britain want revenge. War Guilt Clause. Full Reparations. NO MILITARY, NO IMPERIALISM. League of Nations set up— USA/Germany are not a member. President Wilson of US—“14 points” plan for peace US and Germany not involved
REJECTED. 14 Points: ~Free Trade ~No Secret Alliances Woodrow Wilson REJECTED. 14 Points: ~Free Trade ~No Secret Alliances ~”Self Determination” of countries ~ LEAGUE OF NATIONS