{ Japan Themes of Geography Conclusions of History
20% of the land is flat in Japan Most Japanese live on the coastal flat plains Homes were never far from the sea The sea became a source of food They were an island separated from the rest of Asia Korea is about 100 miles away China is about 400 Miles away Geography Place: Physical Characterizes Location: Absolute and Relative
1 st Japanese Ainu-came from Siberia Hokkaido became Ainu Island The Ist “real” Japanese lived south of the Ainu on the main island They were ruled by clans Some clans were more powerful than others like the YAMATO (a really bid clan) In 500s AD Yamato rulers extended control over most of Japan Social Structures
1. Kami Rituals from clans became the… 2. Shinto Religion—(natural spirits) 3. Prince Shotoku brought Buddhism 4. Later Confucianism (but this is not a religion) Religion
Kami Shinto Clan housePriests
Japanese learned to write in Chinese Japanese spoke Chinese (This would get confusing) Language
1 st clans Yanato Clan rulers Emperors and Empress Clans wanted power but so did Emperors and Empress Government
Fashion Literature Architecture Performing Arts Visual Arts The Golden Age of Japan
The golden aged formed because many people followed a ruler to Heian and formed a court. A court is a group of nobles who live near and serve or advise a ruler The Golden Age lasted from The Golden Age
Robes—Gown—Jewelry—Fans Nobel's has magnificent wardrobes full of silk robes and jewelry. They even carried delicate decorative fans Fashion
Diaries—Journals—Novels wrote Poetry Nobel's took great care of how they spoke and wrote Wiring was very popular among women who wrote in journals and diaries about their lives at court Men wrote in Chinese and Women wrote in Japanese Literature
Lady Muraski Shikibu around 1000AD wrote the Tale of Genji. This was the world first full length novel It is a story of a Prince named Genji and his long quest for love. The novel also describes court life in Japan Literature
Men and women wrote poetry There poems were only five lines and most were written about love and nature Literature
Painting –Calligraphy Painters used bright colors and illustrated stories on doors and furniture Calligraphy was used to copy down poems. They wanted the poems to look as beautiful as they sounded. Visual Arts
Temples—Gardens The nobles in the court modeled Heian after the Chinese capital of Chan’an Temples had wooden framed for a natural feel Made wood tiled roofs and elegant gardens and ponds Architecture
Juggling—Acrobats—Musicians 1300s NOH was a serious drama that combined music speaking and dance. Performing Arts
Pure Land—Zen Buddhism Pure Land Buddhism had no special rituals 1100s Zen Buddhism arrived from china and they believed if you wanted wisdom to practice self-discipline and meditation Religion
1100 Ad Heian was the great center of Japanese art and literature Outside of Heian, Japan has a life that was much harder Powerful nobles fought each other for land Fighting destroyed the land and food supply Japans rulers were too focused on court life to notice anything Japan’s Military Society
Most Samurai inherited their position by there fathers They protected Japans large land owners-the Daimyo Samurai Means “to serve” Samurai Served there lords and their lords served their emperors Rise of Samurai
Armies of samurai were so expensive that the lords paid them in land and food, so the Samurai had peasants farm the land to make money Rise of Samurai
The people outside Hein did not like how Japan was being run so Two powerful clans went to war with each other for 30 years The Minamoto clan eventually won, but the minamoto didn’t want to get rid of the emperor so they kept him as a figure head Shoguns Rule Japan
A figurehead is a person who appears to rule even though the real power rests with someone else The Minamoto were the Samurai and they took the Shogun position for the next 700 years Shoguns Rule Japan
Samurai had many social privileges Common people had to respect the samurai or they were to be killed The Samurai lived by the Bushido Code Samurai Live Honorably
This was a strict code that taught Samurai how to behave Bushido meant “ The way of the warrior” Bushido required Samurai to behave and be honorable figures Zen Buddhism helped the Samurai with self discipline Bushido Code
Samurai were expected to commit suicide if they lost honor They could loose honor by disobeying an order or losing a fight or failing to protect their lord Samurais dedication and disciple were greatly admired in Japan Samurai
Foreign Invasion Internal rebellion Strong Leaders taking over Isolation Order Breaks down
Mongols invaded in 1274 (Kublai Khan) A great storm helped the Japanese 1281 the Mongols invaded again Kamikaze (divine winds) helped them Japanese Foreign invasion
Emperors who didn’t normally have any say in the government began to fight Shoguns for control Daimyo land owners began to fight Shoguns for Control 1400s Shoguns lost most authority and Daimyo ruled Japan Internal Rebellion
Leader Oda Nobunaga gave soldiers guns that were brought form the Portuguese Tokugawa Leyasu Emperor made himself Shogun and began trading with other countries Strong Leaders take over
1630 the ruling Shogun closed Japan off form the rest of the world Guns were banned Isolationism
Japan from space
Mount Fuji
Honshu (In brown)
Downtown Tokyo
Japanese Alps
Lake Biwa
Semi-Active Japanese Volcano
2008 Japan Facts Population = 130 million Life expectancy = Men – 78 years old Women – 85 years old Ethnicities = 99% Japanese, 1% other Religion = 84% are Shinto or Buddhist, Christian =.7% Literacy rate = 99%
Japan is a very crowded place… Even though it’s nearly the size of California, useable land is only about as much as Tulare County.
Chugoku Mountains
Yellow Sea
{ Feudal Japan “Land of the Rising Sun”
Terms to Know SSSShinto = Polytheistic religion in Japan; believes all natural things (wind, mountains, trees) have their own spirits; humans should live with respect to them. CCCClan = group of families related by blood, marriage PPPPrince Shotoku = Early emperor of Japan; brought constitution, laws and reforms from China
Topic: Japan’s Chinese Influence Question: What influence did China have on Japan? Japan… Allowed Buddhism from China and Korea to spread Copied, thanks to Shotoku, Chinese-style temples, Chinese and Korean art, medicine, architecture, philosophy…
Reforms, art, medicine, philosophy, and so on… HEY, QUIT COPYING! What do students often say? “I wasn’t copying.”
Can it be compared to Europe’s during the Middle Ages?
Oh, that’s right…
Japanese Feudal Pyramid Shogun _________ Daimyo Samurai Peasants
Japanese Feudal Pyramid Japanese Feudal Pyramid Shogun = military and political leader of Japan; “great general” Daimyo = high-ranking samurai lords who provided the shogun with warriors in exchange for land Samurai = lower-ranking warriors who served their daimyo in exchange for small manors Peasants = lowest class; most taxed; worked the land for their lord.
Europe Japan
Compare and Contrast Area:Feudal EuropeFeudal Japan Armor Iron, leather, silk and bamboo held together with leather straps Chain mail (links,) heavy plates of steel Battle transport Most knights on foot, some on horses Most samurai on foot, some on horses Weapons Straight sword, mace, ball/chain, bow/arrow, etc Curved sword mainly; some bamboo guns Codes of Honor “Chivalry” (courtesy, protecting serfs, loyalty to lord) “Bushido” (give life to protect daimyo, set good examples)
Literacy Latin; Clergy were literate, most others were not Japanese; Shoguns forced most Samurai to learn When did Feudalism die here? Died around 1400s. People moved off manors and into growing towns Died in late 1800s. Shoguns adopted new technologies; Samurais were no longer needed Compare and Contrast
Rise of the Shogun Question: What was Japan like before Shoguns? From AD, mostly peaceful and stable, and refined Buddhism encouraged, (2 types) Few other clans were allowed to share power Emperor most powerful Japanese Buddhist Temple
Question: Why did the Shoguns rise? By 1150, there was… The leading clan became corrupt Wars broke out between competing clans. By 1185, after many exhausting wars, one leader, Yoritomo Minamoto, proved most powerful and became 1st Shogun Emperors became just figureheads
A cartoon Shogun Yoritomo, 1 st Shogun
Shoguns still have influence in Japanese culture today…
Amida Buddha Pure Land Zen
Term to Know: Sect = a smaller branch of a bigger religion Example: Latter day saints = Mormons, but still Christian
Beliefs of Pure Land Buddhism Sect: HHHHappiness in afterlife for all LLLLord Amida is the Buddha, a Buddha of love and mercy. Have faith and chant his name daily MMMMost popular among the poor. Why?
Beliefs of Zen Buddhism Sect: Physical and mental exercise is key Physical exercise = martial arts Mental exercise = meditation Meditation = clear the mind of wrong thoughts and desires