Periodic Table Review.


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Presentation transcript:

Periodic Table Review

The father of the periodic table, __________________ attempted to organize the chemical elements based on their ________________ according to their atomic _________.

The father of the periodic table, Mendeleev attempted to organize the chemical elements based on their properties according to their atomic mass.

_________________ organized the chemical elements based on their properties in ___________.

Newlands organized the chemical elements based on their properties in triads.

_____________ arranged the periodic table based on the element’s atomic _________.

Moseley arranged the periodic table based on the elements’ atomic number.

The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called ______________.

The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called periods.

There are __________ periods on the periodic table There are __________ periods on the periodic table. The two rows at the bottom of the table actually belong to periods ____ and ____.

There are seven periods on the periodic table There are seven periods on the periodic table. The two rows at the bottom of the table actually belong to periods 6 and 7.

Period #1 contains _______ elements while period #2 contains _______ elements.

Period #1 contains two elements while period #2 contains eight elements.

The vertical columns of the periodic table are called ________________ or ____________.

The vertical columns of the periodic table are called groups or families.

The groups are arranged based on similar __________ and _________ properties. This is due to each element in the group having the same number of ____________ electrons.

The groups are arranged based on similar chemical and physical properties. This is due to each element in the group having the same number of valence electrons.

Group #1A elements are called ___________.

Group #1A elements are called Alkali Metals.

Alkali metals have _____ valence electron Alkali metals have _____ valence electron. In order to become more stable, they will _____ that electron and form a _____ ion.

Alkali metals have one valence electron Alkali metals have one valence electron. In order to become more stable, they will lose that electron and form a +1 ion

Group #2A metals have _____ valence electrons Group #2A metals have _____ valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will _____ _____ electrons and form a _____ ion. Group #2A metals are known as the _________________________________ __.

Group #2A metals have 2 valence electrons Group #2A metals have 2 valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will lose 2 electrons and form a +2 ion. Group #2A metals are known as the Alkaline Earth Metals.

Between Group 2A and Group 3A are the ____________________ ___________.

Between Group 2A and Group 3A are the Transition Elements.

The _____________ are found on the right side of the step, while _____________ are found on the left side of the step. The most reactive group of metals are the _____________________________, with __________ being the most reactive.

The nonmetals are found on the right side of the step, while metals are found on the left side of the step. The most reactive group of metals are the Alkali Metals, with francium being the most reactive.

Group #3A metals have _____ valence electrons Group #3A metals have _____ valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will _____ _____ electrons and form a _____ ion. Group #3A metals are known as the _________________________________ __.

Group #3A metals have 3 valence electrons Group #3A metals have 3 valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will lose 3 electrons and form a +3 ion. Group #3A metals are known as the Boron Family.

Group #6A metals have _____ valence electrons Group #6A metals have _____ valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will _____ _____ electrons and form a _____ ion. Group #6A metals are known as the _________________________________ __.

Group #6A metals have 6 valence electrons Group #6A metals have 6 valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will gain 2 electrons and form a -2 ion. Group #6A metals are known as the Chalcogens.

Group #7A metals have ____ valence electrons Group #7A metals have ____ valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will ________ electrons and form a ____ ion. Group #7A metals are known as the _______________.

Group #7A metals have 7 valence electrons Group #7A metals have 7 valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will gain 1 electrons and form a -1 ion. Group #7A metals are known as the Halogens.

Group #8A metals have ____ valence electrons Group #8A metals have ____ valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will ________ electrons and form a ____ ion. Group #8A metals are known as the _______________.

Group #8A metals have 8 valence electrons Group #8A metals have 8 valence electrons. In order to become more stable, they will not lose or gain any electrons and will not form an ion. Group #8A metals are known as the Noble Gases.

Elements lose or gain electrons according to the _______ rule, whereby any element containing _______ valence electrons is stable.

Elements lose or gain electrons according to the octet rule, whereby any element containing 8 valence electrons is stable.

The most reactive group of nonmetals are the _____________. The least reactive group of nonmetals (or any groups of elements) are the ______________.

The most reactive group of nonmetals are the Halogens. The least reactive group of nonmetals (or any groups of elements) are the Noble Gases.

1s22s22p63s23p6 is the electron configuration of a ________________.

1s22s22p63s23p6 is the electron configuration of a Argon -Noble Gas.

1s22s22p63s2 is the electron configuration of an:

1s22s22p63s2 is the electron configuration of an: Alkaline Earth Metal

True or false – In nature, Alkali metals are always found by themselves. They rarely combine with other elements.

True or false – In nature, Alkali metals are always found by themselves. They rarely combine with other elements. False, alkali metals are always found in compounds.

True or False – Alkaline Earth metals are more reactive than Transition Elements.

True or False – Alkaline Earth metals are more reactive than Transition Elements.

_______________________ is the energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom. ________________________ is the tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself.

Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom. Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself.

__________ ____________ is the periodic repetition of element’s physical and chemical properties when they are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

Periodic Law is the periodic repetition of element’s physical and chemical properties when they are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

As you go across a period, the atomic radii of the elements ______________. As you go down a group, the atomic radii of the elements ______________.

As you go across a period, the atomic radii of the elements decrease. As you go down a group, the atomic radii of the elements increase.

As you go across a period, the ionization energy of the elements ______________. As you go down a group, the ionization energy of the elements ______________.

As you go across a period, the ionization energy of the elements increase. As you go down a group, the ionization energy of the elements decrease. Some of the decrease is due to electron shielding.

As you go across a period, the electronegativity of the elements __________. As you go down a group, the electronegativity of the elements ___________.

As you go across a period, the electronegativity of the elements increase. As you go down a group, the electronegativity of the elements decreases. The electronegativity of the noble gases is ZERO!

Which block on the periodic table would contain elements that have the lowest ionization energy?

Which block on the periodic table would contain elements that have the lowest ionization energy? The s block

Which block on the periodic table would contain elements that have the highest electronegativity? The lowest electronegativity?

Which block on the periodic table would contain elements that have the highest electronegativity? The p block (F, Cl, etc..) The lowest electronegativity? The p block (noble gases)

When a metal becomes an ion its atomic radius ___________________ When a metal becomes an ion its atomic radius ___________________. When a nonmetal becomes an ion its atomic radius ___________________.

When a metal becomes an ion its atomic radius decreases. Why? When a nonmetal becomes an ion its atomic radius increases. Why?

A ____________ will form a base, while a ________________ will form an acid.

A metal (especially Groups 1A & 2A) will form a base, while a nonmetal will form an acid.

A _______________ will contain the some of the properties of a metal and some of the properties of a nonmetal.

A metalloid will contain the some of the properties of a metal and some of the properties of a nonmetal.

Which of the following pairs has a higher ionization energy? Ne/Na Cl/Br Ca/K Ru/Sb Ar/Rn F/Fr

Which of the following pairs has a higher ionization energy? Ne/Na Cl/Br Ca/K Ru/Sb Ar/Rn F/Fr

Which of the following pairs has a lower electronegativity? Li/Na Cl/Br Ca/K Ru/Sb Ar/At F/Fr

Which of the following pairs has a lower electronegativity? Li/Na Cl/Br Ca/K Ru/Sb Ar/At F/Fr

Which of the following pairs has a higher atomic radius (is bigger)? Li/Na Cl/Br Ca/K Ru/Sb Ar/At F/Fr Li/Li+1 N/N-3 Al+3/S-2

Which of the following pairs has a higher atomic radius (is bigger)? Li/Na Cl/Br Ca/K Ru/Sb Ar/At F/Fr Li/Li+1 N/N-3 Al+3/S-2