Chapter 11, Section 2 America Tips the Balance of Power Objectives: Described how the U.S. mobilized for the war. Summarize U.S. battlefield successes. Identify the new weapons and the medical problems faced in WWI. Describe U.S. offensives and the end of the war.
American Ace –Eddie Rickenbacker
Manfred Von Richtohofen “The Red Baron”
“You’re in the Army Now”
How did the U.S. raise an army? 1917 – only 200,000 men in the service Selective Service Act – May, 1917 Required men 18 to 45 to register 24 million registered 2 million Europe ( most had not attended high school and 20% foreign born) Wide acceptance – believed this was the “war to end all wars”
“You’re in the Army Now” Selective Service Act 24 million register 2.8 million are drafted 2 million volunteer Democratic procedures controlled by local draft boards New IQ test shows illiteracy at 25% “The military tent will rank next to the public schools among the great agents of democratization,” Teddy Roosevelt.
How did the US transport troops to Europe safely? Convoy system – heavy guard of destroyers escorted merchant ships 230 mile barrier of mines in the North Sea – kept U-boats out of the Atlantic Only 637 Americans lost to U-boat attacks during transport to Europe Losses went from 900,000 tons/month to 200,000
What was the role of American troops in Europe? Doughboys General John J. Pershing Did not want to integrate with European forces Thought Europeans were too accustomed to defensive action Wanted to save his troops for offensive action
General “Blackjack” Pershing Americans in Battle Commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) Believed in the total destruction of his enemy Hated the defensive nature of the trenches General “Blackjack” Pershing
Americans in Battle The Convoy System
What were African American expectations? Supported war effort Hoped cooperation would improve their situation Experienced equality in France Frustrated at home Intolerance increased
Racism in the Military Segregated units or exclusion Low status jobs Overt racism and violence 200,000 serve in France with 1 in 5 experiencing combat The 369th Harlem Hellfighters fought with the French 191 days in the trenches French award them the Croix de Guerre
Eugene Bullard was the first black military pilot and the only black pilot in World War I.
Old Weapons of War
New Weapons of War
French artillery loading gas canisters
British soldiers blinded by mustard gas
The effects of mustard gas
Flame Throwers
Krupp Railroad Gun
WW I Tank
Alvin York Meuse-Argonne Killed 25 Germans With help captured 32 more Conscientious Objector Meuse-Argonne Killed 25 Germans With help captured 32 more
What caused the collapse of Germany? Nov. 3, 1918 Austria Hungary surrendered Critical food shortages and prospect of U.S. reinforcements for the Allies 14 Points… Nov. 9, socialist leaders in Berlin established the German Republic Kaiser abdicated November 11, 1918 – cease – fire - armistice
What was the cost of the war? Europe 22 million – more than ½ civilians 20 million wounded 10 million refugees U.S. 52,000 died in battle 62,000 died of disease 200,000 wounded
Dead & Wounded Stats