Divisive Politics of Slavery Chapter 4 Section 1
Compromise of 1850 California admitted as free state Pleased the North Pleased the South California admitted as free state More effective Fugitive Slave law No trial by jury $1,000 fine and 6 mos. Imprisonment Fugitive slaves no longer safe in U.S., went to Canada
Popular Sovereignty Debate over the extension of slavery into the territories widened the rift between North and South Threats of succession by the South increased Secession-formal withdrawel of a state from the Union Popular Sovereignty Introduced by Stephen Douglas Part of Compromise of 1850 The right of states do decide for themselves whether to accept or reject slavery
Underground Railroad System of escape routes set up by a secret network of abolitionists to bring slaves to freedom Harriet Tubman-slave who “conducted” over 300 slaves to freedom in the North
Uncle Tom’s Cabin-1852 Book describing the moral struggle of slave life in the South Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe ( who had never been in the South) Read by the general public who had their first glimpse of slave life, fired up the abolitionists
Bleeding Kansas-1855 Missouri Compromise made slavery illegal in Kansas and Nebraska Compromise of 1850-by introducing concept of popular sovereignty, Congress forced to make an agreement (Kansas-Nebraska Act) that Nebraska would be kept free, Kansas could decide for itself Both slave and free men fled to Kansas to vote; violence broke out Two rival governments set up, one slave, the other free
New Republican Party-1856 Coalition of many parties (former anti-slavery Whigs, Know-Nothings who were anti-immigrant but also against extending slavery into territories ,Free-Soilers who were against extending slavery into territories but also for preventing blacks from moving into their communities and taking their jobs; and the Liberty Party who were abolitionists.) Opposed the extension of slavery into the territories
Dred Scott Decision-1857 Dred Scott-slave whose owner took him into free territory (Wisconsin and Illinois) then back to Missouri Sued for freedom because he had been in a free territory Decision: Could not sue in federal court because he was not a citizen (he was property) Being in a free state does not make a slave free because slaves are property and property is protected under the Fifth Amendment
Lincoln-Douglas Debates Both men from Illinois and running for the Illinois Senate seat in 1858 Lincoln No extension of slavery into the territories Slavery immoral Douglas Popular sovereignty
Harper’s Ferry-1859 Abolitionist John Brown takes over an arsenal at Harper’s Ferry to try to incite slave uprisings around the country Fails John Brown hanged
Election of 1860 Four candidates; Democratic Party split over slavery Abraham Lincoln wins with 39.9% of the votes Lincoln’s victory seen as vote against the South Seven states secede from the Union and form the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy with Jefferson Davis as president
Confederate States of America Four more States se- Ceded After Fort Sumter= Total # of Confeder- Ate states 11