ATTENTION SEEKING! With Infographics Iain Johnstone, CK Chartered Accountants PG UKI Marketing Special Interest Group
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“Data. Sorted. Arranged. Presented visually.” “Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.” Doug Newsom, PR Expert What are Infographics?
Infographic History Since over 35,000 years ago, Cave paintings were used to communicate. Throughout history paintings were used to document stories of the bible or current affairs. Cave of Altamita, Spain
Infographic History Fast-forward to the early 20 th century, a wave of Pictograph designers and minimalists was born. Some of the most Iconic pictograms were first used for the Olympic games in Berlin in 1936, which were modernised in 1964 for the Tokyo games to become the modern sports symbols we know today. So clear in its communication it is still used today.
Infographic History With the evolution of the internet the development of “information overload” it has became paramount to get your message over fast and effectively. A picture says more than a thousand words! Software has become accessible and easy creating a trend in informative, funny or fact laden infographics
Infographic History
Humorous Source Pinterest
Why you should be using Infographics Whatever the objective, Infographics can be used online or offline to support marketing activity or as part of an integrated campaign EY, DELOITTE AND PWC each have a dedicated Infographics team, sharing news and facts via all social media outlets Many Brands use infographics to provide customers with bite-size information or to communicate brand stories as part of their content marketing strategy.
Why you should be using Infographics FACT: ’90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual’ FACT: The average person is exposed to over 174 newspapers full of information every day FACT: ‘Researchers found that colour visuals increase the willingness to read by 80%’ Sourse; ‘The Power of Infographics’
Why you should be using Infographics of all information is filtered out by the brain almost immediately. This means only…. 10% of information actually gets through to the brain INFOGRAPHICS ARE IN THIS 10%! 90 % Sourse; ‘The Power of Infographics’
Steps to creating a Killer infographic Come up with a concept to tell a compelling story Current marketing objectives and goals could be adapted Begin with numbers! Research and capture striking reliable data to back it up. or could be sources for facts and figures Understand your goals and audience. Clients? Prospects? How will you share this information with them? Brainstorm, sketch drafts and try different angles. Ensure there is a flow & consistency, using colours and similar shapes Design a visually appealing Info- graphic. You don’t need to be a professional designer, there are plenty pages online - more to follow! Have clear marketing goals with any infographic.
Websites for creating Infographics
Pros - Templates limited in free version - Many chart options - Can add images or even videos to make it interactive - Create a link for sharing - Page resizing - Some let you resize the page - Download as a JPG/PNG - Chart Wizards Cons - Watermark - Limited text and icon options - Downloads and extended features only available with paid account - Limited support - Limited editing options Websites for creating Infographics
Which was easier to memorise? Spoon Spanner Car Television Keys Handbag Calculator Fountain Pen Money Fridge
Sourse; ‘The Power of Infographics’
A look at other Infographics Source
A look at other Infographics Source ey infographics on Pinterest
A look at other Infographics Source
A look at other Infographics Source ey infographics on Pinterest