Welcome to 5B
God of this year, we are walking into mystery. We face the future, not knowing what the days and months will bring to us or how we will respond. Be love in us as we journey. May we welcome each special child who comes our way. Deepen our faith to see all of life through your eyes. Fill us with hope and an abiding trust that you dwell in us amidst all our joys and sorrows. Thank you for the treasure of our faith life. Thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance of your walking through the day with us as we see these children through the school year. God of this new year, we praise you. God of this year, we are walking into mystery. We face the future, not knowing what the days and months will bring to us or how we will respond. Be love in us as we journey. May we welcome each special child who comes our way. Deepen our faith to see all of life through your eyes. Fill us with hope and an abiding trust that you dwell in us amidst all our joys and sorrows. Thank you for the treasure of our faith life. Thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance of your walking through the day with us as we see these children through the school year. God of this new year, we praise you. Amen. Amen. Prayer for the new school year
About the Teachers My name is Michael Fuerte and this will be my sixth year teaching 5 th Grade at St. Louise School. I have been at St. Louise since 2002, both as a Before and After School Supervisor and as a Kindergarten Instructional Assistant. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Cellular Molecular Biology from the University of Washington and a Master in Teaching Degree and Certificate from City University of Seattle. I will be starting my Principal Internship this year. My Job-share teacher is Mrs. Polly Fujita. She will be teaching on Fridays while I intern with Mr. Fitzpatrick as a Principal. Polly Fujita is a former Art Teacher at St. Louise.
Routines: The Fifth Grade Way Communication Communication Behavior Plan (In order to create a more perfect classroom community) Behavior Plan (In order to create a more perfect classroom community) Class constitution Let’s Talk Slips Rewards Bathrooms and Uniforms Curriculum –Religion – (Blest are We) Faith Life - Church attendance Sacraments, The Mass, Church Seasons, Holy Days Prayer, Bible, Catholic School’s Week Masses (Saturday, January 25, 2014 – 5 pm, Sunday, January 26, 2014 – 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), and 6pm. Family Life Service Project, NPH & Xitlali Service Project, NPH & Xitlali Service Project, NPH & Xitlali –Science –Social Studies Social StudiesSocial Studies
–Math (Scott Foresman and Addison Wesley enVision) Grouping – three heterogeneous 3rd trimester regrouping Spiral review of basics, communication in writing mathematical thinking with correct vocabulary Problem solving, individually and in groups Fractions, ratios, percent, probability, geometry, statistics Fluent in basic facts and operations Online Book Login: fifthgradesls password: kitty1 Peer Tutoring Tuesdays 7:45-8:10 w/ Mr. Fuerte or Mrs. Bannick –Reading, Language Arts (Houghton Mifflin) Fluency silent and oral Monthly book log (must be signed) and book report Assessments include quizzes, journals, projects, summarizing Read-Alouds Writing Process using the six + one traits model Rubrics Spelling/Grammar Novels: Sign of the Beaver, Sounder, and Sadako and
Planner, Binder & Folders Planner, Binder & Folders –Signing the first couple of weeks –Corrected Papers –We Missed You – Red Folder Homework Homework –40-60 minutes –Lunch recess homework detention –Homework Detention Bi-weekly Newsletter/reflection ed Bi-weekly Newsletter/reflection ed Birthdays Birthdays Buddies 2B Buddies 2B Flavorful Friday Treats sale Flavorful Friday Treats sale NPH – Year Long Service Project – Xitlali (Mexico) NPH – Year Long Service Project – Xitlali (Mexico) NPH – Year Long Service Project – Xitlali (Mexico) NPH – Year Long Service Project – Xitlali (Mexico) Pioneer Farm May 22 – May 23, 2014 Pioneer Farm May 22 – May 23, 2014 Field Trips (Mercer Slough, Plays, Samena, Castle Ice) Field Trips (Mercer Slough, Plays, Samena, Castle Ice) Parties (Halloween, Valentine’s Day, etc…) Parties (Halloween, Valentine’s Day, etc…)
My Child as a Learner My Child as a Learner Standards of All Written Work Standards of All Written Work –Cursive –Typing/keyboarding Grade Scale Grade Scale Grade Scale Grade Scale Missing Homework Coupons Missing Homework CouponsCoupons Volunteer Opportunities in 5 th grade Volunteer Opportunities in 5 th grade Volunteer Opportunities in 5 th grade Volunteer Opportunities in 5 th grade
Contacting Mr. Fuerte or Mrs. Fujita Phone: (425) ext 5424 Phone: (425) ext Thank you for coming
Our Goddaughter Xitlali Montes Arcos Xitlali Montes Arcos is from the NPH Home in Mexico. She came To NPH in She is orphaned by Mother and her father is incurably Ill. Her Favorite Sport is Basketball and her favorite food is pizza and Chinese Food
Social Studies: US History Social Studies: US History o Five strands of Social Studies ohistorical perspective, geography, economics, government or civics, catholic social teachings o History from Ancient Peoples of Mexico and South America to the Civil War o Alternating “book-work” with projects: memorization of preambles to our founding documents, original colonies, states & capitalsmemorization of preambles to our founding documents, original colonies, states & capitals create comparison state maps, settlement brochure, colony model, timelinescreate comparison state maps, settlement brochure, colony model, timelines History-Maker Scrapbook integrated with scienceHistory-Maker Scrapbook integrated with science Westward-Movement group projectWestward-Movement group project